Page 23 - The Edge - Summer 2017
P. 23


          By Don Harris

          State Auditors Recommend Separation

          of Money-Handling Responsibilities

           The tale of a school bookstore manager who stole more than   Auxiliary operations do not include donations other than tax
        $72,000 was used by state auditors to illustrate how thefts can occur  credits, student activities monies, or PTO and booster club monies,
        and what districts can do to prevent and detect them.  Culling said. “Schools are not allowed to sell raffle tickets, so related
           In a breakout session on cash controls at AASBO’s Spring  monies should not be in any district fund,” she said. “PTOs and
        Conference  on  April  6,  Valerie  Culling,  Senior  Accountant  booster clubs are not district operations are not part of auxiliary
        with the Office of the Auditor General, and Elizabeth Whitaker,  operations.”
        also with the Auditor General’s Office, told how to thwart theft   Culling strongly recommended making sure district employees
        and  better  understand  the  handling  of  funds  from  auxiliary  are  not involved  in collecting  those non-auxiliary  operations
        operations.                                            monies.
           In addition to bookstores, auxiliary operations may include   Whitaker talked about safeguarding cash. Most people think
        athletic activities, non-credit recreational activities that supplement  of a safe, but she recommended a locked drawer or cabinet if
        the district’s education program, field trips, academic competition  many people will have access to the safe. “A safe is not the best
        such as debate teams, fine art charges, reasonable fees perhaps  option if various records and money are stored there together,”
        for parking, deposits for lockers, caps and gowns for graduation,  Whitaker said. “A lot of people would have access to the cash
        vending machines, ticket and concessions charges for athletic
        events, and tax credit fees.                                                          Continued on page 26

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