Page 10 - The Edge - Fall 2020
P. 10


                          BY ANTHONY W. CONTENTE-CUOMO
                          Dealing with Commercial Purpose

                          Public Records Requests
        Anthony W. Contente-Cuomo

        School districts, just like any other political  the school district may require that the requestor
        subdivision, have statutory responsibilities to  outline what the requested records will be used
        respond to public records requests. For the most  for. The district may also legally charge fees in
        part, private citizens submit these requests to         addition to those permitted for a non–commercial
        gain information for personal purposes. However,        purpose request.
        your district may sometimes receive a request for
        information that the requestor intends to use for       Per ARS § 39-121.03, fees can be charged for:
        commercial purposes.
                                                                  •  A portion of the cost for obtaining the
        Per Arizona Revised Statutes (ARS) § 39-121.03,             original or copies of the record.
        a commercial purpose includes any of the
        following:                                                •  A reasonable fee for the cost of time, materials,
                                                                     equipment, and personnel for producing the
          •  Using public records for the purpose of sale
            or resale.                                            •  The value of the reproduction on the
                                                                    commercial market as best determined by the
          •  Producing a document that reproduces all or
            part of a public record for purpose of sale.            entity receiving the request.
          •  Obtaining names and addresses for purpose          Market value is the most difficult portion to
            of sale or solicitation.                            determine.  The market value of public records

          •  Any other purpose in which the purchaser can       is highly subjective, meaning that the value will
            reasonably anticipate the receipt of monetary  change based on what records are requested,
            gain  from  the  direct  or indirect  use  of the
            public record.

        The use of a public record as evidence or as
        research for evidence in an action in any judicial or
        quasi-judicial body is not a commercial purpose.

        An example of a commercial records request
        would be a corporation asking for a list of all
        parent/student directory information for purposes
        of adding the parents to the entity’s solicitation
        mailing list.

        If your district receives a commercial public
        records request, or a records request that you
        believe may be for a commercial purpose, by law,
                                                                                            CONTINUED ON PAGE 12

        10                                                                                  THE EDGE  FALL 2020
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