Page 20 - The Edge - Fall 2020
P. 20
New laws, AG opinions helping schools deal with COVID-19
an anti-suicide hotline be placed on student identification requirements, and gives schools the authority to pay
cards so they can call to get help, he said. employees who are working remotely.
SB1012 enables schools to discuss school-related A much bigger issue, which is not resolved, is whether
safety plans in executive session. And, SB1042 allows schools face any liability if a student or employee
security plans to be discussed in executive session. contracts COVID-19. “Everybody is holding their breath
While approval by the Governing Board must be in on what is the scope of (their) liability in relation to
public, details of security measures may be kept private, COVID-19 claims,” Thomas said. “Schools are hoping
Thomas explained. for some relief from the state and local government to
shield them from liability.”
HB2910, what Thomas referred to as “the big one,”
covers several key areas regarding school closures “Many schools are rethinking their
stemming from COVID-19. It passed after the crisis hit
and provides schools with much-needed relief, Thomas relationship to school resource
said. He explained that the changes are not in statute, but officers, whether that means ending
are in session law and will expire when the crisis ends.
that relationship or adjusting it to
Among the temporary changes, HB2910 provides relief be more supportive and seemingly
from required hours and days; from required testing;
from transportation funding; and from special education less like an enforcement role.”
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