Page 4 - The Edge - Fall 2020
P. 4
Happy Fall Everyone!
Hope You and Your Families Are Staying Well
Lizette Huie
A few weeks ago we embarked on another new journey be successful due to the collaboration, support for one
together, the 2020 AASBO Virtual Annual Conference. another, clear vision, creativity, and can-do mind sets.
What an adventure that was! The year 2020 has created
a lot of unique challenges, but what continues to amaze
me is that despite all of the challenges and adversity we “These qualities of our members,
all rise together to new heights. We’ve opened doors
that we never thought would open or even existed. The vendors, presenters, conference
responses and the feedback we’ve received regarding chairs, and AASBO Board of
the conference have been very positive.
Directors prove that when we
I admit that when we first started this virtual conference
journey, I was skeptical and worried about how things work together – as we always do
would turn out because we always strive to provide – all things are possible.”
our members with the absolute best experiences,
professional development, and network opportunities. It
was a challenge in many ways, with no clear answers or Through it all, I believe that we as an association had
past experiences to guide us. Instead, we had a goal and a the overall mission in mind of promoting the highest
passion to continue providing services to our members. standards of school business management by providing
Although I would have loved to have the conference in quality training, legislative leadership, and cultivating
person, the 2020 Virtual Annual Conference proved to the professional stature of our members.