Page 15 - The Edge - Spring 2017
P. 15


                        By Don Harris

                        Ernie Calderón: Here’s How to Stay Out of

                        Trouble When Purchasing Goods and Services

        Ernie Calderón
           AASBO members, especially those involved in
        procurement, need to be aware of the pitfalls that could land   “When in doubt, punt. Don’t rush to judgment.
        them in serious trouble.
           Ernie Calderón, a prominent attorney who has been     If necessary, add another week to the deadline
        representing Arizona school districts for more than 33 years,
        spelled out some of those problem areas in his keynote          to make sure the public is aware.”
        address at AASBO’s Vendor/Buyer Conference on January 31.    — Ernie Calderón, a prominent attorney who has been
           “You’re expected to  do things honestly and  truthfully,”   representing Arizona school districts for more than 33 years
        Calderón said. “You have to keep the place running, but
        nobody runs a perfect Procurement Office.”
           Occasionally, potential conflict-of-interest situations   Furthermore, the statute states: “Any public officer or
        arise that may not always be apparent. State statute defines  employee of a public agency who has, or whose relative has,
        a substantial interest “as any non-speculative pecuniary or  a substantial interest in any contract, sale, purchase or service
        proprietary interest, either direct or indirect, other than a
        remote interest.”                                                                     Continued on page 17

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