Page 7 - The Edge - Spring 2017
P. 7
By DaviD Lewis
Successful Events Revolve Around
‘Plan, Brief, Execute and Debrief’
As I’m sure many of you feel as well, one of the most frustrating For our staff, planning for contingencies enables us to focus on our
aspects of working on projects over a long period of time is the feeling members once the show has begun, and if for some reason something
that all the hard work will never seem to come to fruition. does go wrong, we are in the proper frame of mind to go to plan B and
As we discovered during the latest ASBO International Executive hopefully keep the execution at a level so that no one ever knows the
Leadership Forum, having a specific system in place to track your difference.
“mission” can go a long way towards alleviating this frustration and This goes right into the Briefing phase, as you have to have great
keep you on track for success. Although I am sure most of your districts communication amongst the team members before the event so everyone
have a detailed system for completing long-term projects, I always find knows the plan (including Plan B) and also knows their roles. Having
it constructive to compare current practices to a new way of thinking. produced six Annual Conferences together now, this is probably the least
Presented by Afterburner Consulting — an interesting group of challenging phase for our team – I am pretty sure we can all read each
former fighter pilots who presented a high-energy and effective session other’s minds and just seem to know when and where we need to step in!
— this system focuses you to “Plan, Brief, Execute and Debrief.” Next is the Execution phase, with two outstanding elements being
The Planning phase involves determining your objective, identifying mutual support and the use of checklists. I have touched on the mutual
threats and available resources, considering lessons learned, developing support aspect already, but I had to smile at the use of checklists, as I am
your course of action, and planning for contingencies. I found the two the type of person who will actually write down something that I have
most important aspects of this phase were identifying available resources already done, just so I can cross it off the checklist – enough said!
and planning for contingencies. Lastly is the all-important Debrief. The most important new aspect
We are very lucky here at AASBO to have such dedicated volunteers – I learned about the debrief from the Afterburner team is the concept of
from the Board of Directors and committee members to the ambassadors No Name and No Rank, that it’s not who is right or in charge but what is
and instructors for conference workshops, and including our outstanding right and how can we improve on our process of execution. This allows
business associate members – everyone always seems to be at the ready us to focus on our objective, execution, lessons learned and celebrating
to contribute their time and resources for making our programs a positive summation – and hopefully to
a success. make the next event even better
When it comes to planning for than our previous one!
contingencies, I find that to be a very
valuable undertaking, as you
just never know what is
going to come up once
you hit the “go”
button on a large