Page 2 - The Edge - Summer 2020
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A           ll you need is faith, Ÿust,

                                          and a little                                   dust.

                                TOGETHER, WE  ARE  STRONGER.

              The crisis we’ve faced over the past few months has undoubtedly proven that our Arizona
              school district family is STRONG. There is strength in numbers of those with a shared purpose
              and  vision.  From  distributing  meals  to  providing  innovative  online  education,  employee
              resources, and emotional support, our school community efforts are nothing short of magical.

                                TO OUR EDUCATIONAL HEROS, FOR ALL THAT YOU DO, THANK YOU!

                      TOGETHER, WE  CAN  REACH  NEW  HEIGHTS.

              Valley Schools’ commitment to serve our members through advanced employee benefits
              consulting, benefits administration, and wellness solutions has never been stronger. From
              leveraging technology to reach our members virtually through wellness workshops, healthy
              cooking  demos,  podcasts,  and  exercise  classes,  to  conducting  interactive  online  open
              enrollment meetings with employees, we give our members the ‘pixie dust’ they need to reach
              new heights in employee benefits and administration.

                                                  Call  us  today!

                                                  (623) 594-4370

            Learn how we can serve your employee benefits and wellness needs.

                       Arizona Association of
                      School Business Officials
                                       Better  Advice.  Better  Benefits.
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