Page 35 - The Edge - Summer 2020
P. 35

                          BY BOBBY WILLIAMS II
                          What Is the Proper Level of Due Diligence for

                          Your District?
        Bobby Williams II

                                                               attended the Due Diligence class that Gary Barkman
        The  Uniform  System  of  Financial  Records  for      and I presented at the recent Vendor/Buyer Conference
        Arizona  School  Districts  (USFR)  speaks  about  due   then you know how detailed the due diligence is I am
        diligence requirements under VI-G-13. Every district is   referring to. At the very least, the level of due diligence
        responsible for conducting some level of due diligence   one should perform would be verifying that the contract
        on each formal procurement, whether it is done         is still available, the item/service that is being procured
        independently  or through  a  cooperative.  The  proper   is covered  by the  contract,  and  the  contract  pricing
        amount or level of due diligence will vary based on the   matches the quote.

        agency that wrote the procurement.

                                                               The USFR also speaks on the guidelines that the Office
        A.R.S §15-213 (F) requires Arizona school districts to   of the Auditor General has prescribed for performing
        have a systematic review of their purchasing practices.   those reviews as part of the Procurement Compliance
        Working with my auditors years ago, when asked what    Questionnaire, which was updated on July 1, 2019, and
        my process was, I came up with a methodology of 25%.   can be found on their website: https://www.azauditor.
        That  meant  25% of all  my  contracts  per  cooperative   gov/reports-publications/school-districts/forms.
        would have detailed due diligence completed on them.   You can also access  the  web-based Compliance
        Six years later my methodology has increased to 90%,   Questionnaire form and a video of the form’s changes

        but I shoot for 100%.
                                                               there as well.

                                        This by no means is
                                        the  level  everyone   "At the very least, the level of
                                        should   be    doing,  due diligence one should perform
                                        but merely was  the    would be verifying that the
                                        goal  that  I had  set   contract is still available, the item/

                                        for myself.  You will   service that is being procured
                                        determine  your own    is covered by the contract, and
                                        methodology  based     the contract pricing matches the
                                        on your district’s     quote."
                                        usage, workload and
                                        any other factors
                                        that may need to be    You  may  ask  yourself,  “What  level  of due  diligence
                                        considered to make     should  I  do?”    The  USFR  says:  “A  cooperative  or
                                        that decision. If you   lead district (entity) that has had such a review within
                                                                                           CONTINUED ON PAGE 37

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