Page 29 - The Edge - Winter 2016
P. 29


                        BY JEREMY DUDA

                        K-12 Settlement Campaign Could Raise Millions

           Anyone wondering how the special election campaign for  who will serve as the Prop. 123 campaign manager, said $3
        Proposition 123, the agreement to settle the long-running  million to
        K-12 funding lawsuit, will shape up should look to 2010 for   $4 million is a “reasonable target” for the campaign’s
        guidance.                                              fundraising efforts.
           That year, voters went to the polls in a special election   “It’s going to be well-funded, well-organized. It’s going
        to approve Proposition 100, a temporary 1-cent sales tax  to be made up of not just leaders in the business community
        increase pushed by then-Gov. Jan Brewer to bridge the  and in the education community, but you’re going to see
        devastating fiscal crisis facing Arizona at the time. The  teachers and parents and grandparents, everybody who
        Brewer-led campaign raised more than $2.4 million in  has an interest in putting more money into education,
        trouncing the poorly funded opposition campaign, which  everybody who has an interest what happens in the
        raised a paltry $995, including in-kind contributions, and  classroom. Everybody’s going to be involved,” Twist said.
        garnered only about one-third of the vote.             “I think you’re going to see a campaign that is very large in
           Now, many of the business and education groups that
        contributed to the success of Prop. 100 are expected to line                          CONTINUED ON PAGE 38
        up behind Prop. 123. J.P. Twist, an aide to Gov. Doug Ducey

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