Page 16 - พัชรวุธ ภาษาอังกฤษ
P. 16
Items 29-40 Choose the correct answer to complete the conversations.
~el 29-40 ~~ t~ e1 nfi1~ el1J~ n-nJ l~'ff:u~ 'ff~llJlt~lJ~ ~ 1 u 1J'Vlff'U 'VI'U 1
29. Teacher:
Student: I'm in Prathom 6.
1. Which school is it?
2. Who is in that room?
3. Where do you study?
4. What class are you in?
30. Rose: You look very happy.
Ben: l·atn. I got an A in English!
1. Cheers! 2. That's okay!
3. Thank you! 4. Congratulations!