Page 94 - North Star Magazine 2022
P. 94
Where Are You From? The answer I will someday give.
I am from Harina de Maiz.
From curling conditioners and afro picks. From beautiful cities
and at the same time
made of mud and sticks.
I am from the smell of fried food and the sting of a long day of hard work.
I am from the sea.
I am from the oceans that carried me. Whose waves stretched across continents and carried songs,
and sadness.
I am from a long lineage of prayer and power. One whose freshly washed hands stretched across condiments at the dinner table and carried lemons,
and whole lotta love.
From my mother’s bloodline who stretched across continents and carried songs, stories and sadness.
From my father’s bloodline who probably carried the exact same things. On the exact same ships.