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ک    یتاموئژ نیون یاهدربراک و اه یروآ نف یلم سنارفنک

                The effect of COVID-19 virus outbreak on weather quality

                         Investigation of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) pollutant

                                  Amirhossein Sadraei , Mojtaba KhanMohammadi , Milad Faraghi 3
                           1 U ni ver sity of Tabriz ,  Mar and F aculty of Engineering,   Department of Surveying  Engineering    ,    Tabriz,   Iran
                      2 Univer sity of  Khar a zmi ,  Faculty of Geographi cal  Scien c es    ,  Remote sensing and  geo g raphical information system    ,  Teh ran    ,  Iran
                      3 Univer sity of  Khar a zmi ,  F acu lt y of Geographi cal Sciences    ,  Remote sensing and  geographical information system    ,  Teh ran    ,  Ira n

            Abstract : The outbreak of COVID-19 virus, which started in Wuhan, China and is now affecting
            many cities around the world, shows that in addition to analyzing and paying attention to cities as a
            separate  factor  and  element,  it  is  necessary  to  change  Climate  In  terms  of  air  pollution  and
            environmental pollution in other cities and countries of the world, there should be a special look to
            identify and prevent potential hazards to the city and to take appropriate and effective measures to
            deal with it. Global quarantine in most countries of the world, which was carried out periodically
            and is still in force, has affected most countries economically and socially, and has had a significant
            impact  on  human  life  and  the  environment.  The  Corona  virus  pandemic  has  reduced  global
            economic  activity  and  reduced  emissions  from  transportation  and  industrial  sectors.  Nitrogen
            dioxide (NO2) gas can be mentioned as an important and traceable gas for air pollution. Excessive
            condensation  of  this  gas  in  the  air  causes  excessive  air  pollution.  This  type  of  gas  is  mainly
            produced by the combustion of fossil fuels. Excessive work of light and heavy machinery in traffic
            and factories causes the accumulation of this gas and causes excessive air pollution. According to
            these issues, satellite science and remote sensing are used to study the level of air pollution. The
            Sentinel-5 Precursor satellite is used to study and evaluate the amount of pollutant gases in the air.
            The European Space Agency (ESA) and the US National Aeronautics  and Space Administration
            (NASA)  are  producing  satellite  images  of  the  Sentinel-5  Precursor  and  the  AURA  satellite,
            respectively,  using  the  Tropospheric  Monitor  and  the  Ozone  Monitor  (TROPOMI).  Collect  data
            (images).  Due  to  the  growth  of  industrial  centers,  factories  and  increasing  the  amount  of
            transportation  and  traffic  and  weather  conditions  that  have  a  great  impact  on  warming  and  air
            pollution, for this purpose to study the polluting gases affecting the climatic conditions of the study
            areas from Remote sensing using Sentinel-5 Precursor data is discussed in this paper.

            Keywords: Sentinel-5P, Nitrogen dioxide (NO2), Air Pollution, COVID-19 Virus
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