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P. 382
New Geomatics Technologies and Applications
3. Methodology
Zeribar Lake (or Zerivar Lake) was selected to implement the proposed model. Zerivar Lake is located 125 km northwest
of Sanandaj. The complexity of the coastlines, as well as the variety of point and edge arrangements, are the key reasons for this
choice. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approach of this research, the minimization objective function was first
examined. Then the work steps were described on a number of nodes of a simple multiple line and finally implemented on the
study area and the accuracy of the proposed model was compared with the Viswalingam and Douglas-Poker algorithms. The
study area is shown in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Study area
The steps of implementing the proposed model of this research are as follows.
1) First, the tolerance (T) is determined based on the Euclidean distance.
2) By LS, the line (edge) L1 is fitted to the first three polyline nodes and the parameters a 1 and b1 are calculated. These
three nodes are considered members of the hypothetical set A1 (A1 = {n1.n2.n3).
3) If the edge distance of each node in set A1 is less than T, the next node is added to set A1 and the process is repeated.
Otherwise, the last node in set A1 is deleted, and the edge fitting parameters a 1 and b1 are stored by LS on the nodes
of set A1 as the first edge parameters.
4) After storing the parameters of the first edge, the last node added to the set A 1 and the next two multi-line nodes, the
members of the hypothetical set A2 are considered.