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کیتاموئژ نیون یاهدربراک و اه یروآ نف یلم سنارفنک
Application of Geographic Information System (GIS) in fire management
Zeynab Farnam , Samira Chenari 2
1- Master of Geodesy, University of Twente Netherlands.
2- Doctor of Geopolitics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad,
Fire An accident that threatens many lives and property each year and poses a threat to
humans and their surroundings is very important in preventing, managing and controlling
fire occurring during and after it. Therefore, this study investigates the use of GIS
technology in the control and management of fire before, during and after an accident to
reduce the damage and its consequences. The present study aims to be applied with a
qualitative approach, which seeks to find out the impact of GIS on fire crisis management.
The results show that GIS is rapidly becoming a standard technology for It has many
industries and services, assessing the lives and property needs of the community by
minimizing property damage and better protection of the site, and determining the most
efficient strategy by assessing the likely consequences. GIS can manage wildfires at all
times and in all areas by collecting and preparing the required information layers and
creating a database and analyzing them, and the financial and psychological damages,
psychological consequences thereof. , And minimizes damage to the environment, and are
essential tools for fire analysis, definition, clarification and modeling.
Keywords: Fire, Crisis, Geographic Information System (GIS), Management