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P. 577

کیتاموئژ نیون یاهدربراک و اه یروآ نف یلم سنارفنک

                    Modeling the concentration of ozone and nitrogen pollutants in GIS and
                comparing this pollutant concentration with Sentinel-5 product in Google Earth
                                        Engine system (study area of Tehran)

                                                    vahid isazade¹, shokoofehasiabi²

                   ¹ Master Student of Remote Sensing and Spatial Information System (GIS), Faculty of Geography, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
                  ² Master Student of Remote Sensing and Spatial Information System (GIS), Faculty of Geography, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

          Surface ozone (O3) and nitrogen as one of the most dangerous pollutants and has significant effects on
          the health of urban residents. The purpose of this study is to model the spatial and temporal changes of
          ozone and nitrogen pollutants in the metropolis of Tehran. In this study, two methods have been used to
          measure the concentration of ozone and nitrogen pollutants spatially. One of these methods is Reverse
          Weighting (IDW) and Sentinel-5P NRTI O3: Near Real Time. To implement the first method, the data
          of 1387 as a monthly average and 1388 and 1397 as an annual were used. Therefore, temporal analysis
          of ozone and nitrogen pollutants showed that the best performance of the model for 1387 (R2 = 0.918)
          and the amount of this performance (R2 = 0.134), while the lowest performance of the model in terms of
          time analysis is related to 1397 (0.476). The results showed that the concentration of ozone pollutants in
          the stations was different for the above three periods. And spatial modeling of the distribution of ozone
          pollutants in three more periods on the northeastern part of Tehran. But in the second method, modeling
          the  concentration  of  ozone  pollutants  based  on  the  product  O3_Column  Density,  which  shows  the
          average annual change of ozone. Therefore, the results showed that on March 9, 2019, Aqdasiyeh station
          had  the  highest  amount  of  ozone  and  nitrogen  in  the  atmosphere,  which  showed  a  figure  of
          0.186%.While the municipal stations - districts 16, 19 and 20 and Masoudiyeh station had the lowest
          concentration of ozone and nitrogen pollutants and the concentration of these four stations due to annual
          changes was 0.133 percent. The results showed that spatial modeling of ozone and nitrogen pollutants
          with Sentinel-5 in Google Earth Engine has produced favorable results.

          Keywords: Ozone and nitrogen pollutants, Inverse weighting distance, Google Earth Engine, Sentinel – 5, Tehran
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