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Behind the Ribbon. On the Campus.
We welcomed Teague & Associates to the GNC Chamber with a Rib- Congratulations to North County Incorporated, Regional Development
bon Cutting ceremony! Morgan and her team are here for your real Association on their new home located on the beautiful UMSL cam-
estate and bankruptcy needs! Teague & Associates are located at pus! You can visit them in the Regional Center of Education & Work
720 N. Hwy 67 in Florissant! Give Morgan a call at (636) 244-5277! Building in suite 11!
At the Luncheon.
At our June Membership Luncheon, we presented new member
NaRfula Financial Solutions with a new member plaque! Welcome
Ruth to the GNC! Our guest speakers were Officer Steven Michael
with the Florissant Police Department and Officer Tucker Schnerre
with Saint Louis County Police Department! They talked to us about
Business Safety, from getting involved in the camera program to ac-
tive shooter drills! So much great information! Be on the lookout for
a Business Safety Seminar coming soon to the GNC Chamber Office!
Thank you to Greg Clark with North County Christian School for being
our June Sponsor and to Orlando’s Event and Conference Center for
hosting us!
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