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                                                                Leads Group 2
                                                                If you’ve attended a GNCC luncheon you’ve probably met one of our
                                                                members…we are a group that makes it a priority to stay active in the
     Ambassadors                                                Chamber. We are a group of like-minded businesspeople that focus
     Become an Ambassador for GNCC!!! Being an Ambassador provides   on a relationship-first style of “networking”. We want the best for our
     you more opportunity to promote your business as well as meet   clients, friends and family and the relationships that we have built in
                                                                the chamber and specifically in our leads group allows us to provide
     great new people.  As an Ambassador,  you will have the privilege of
     meeting all new members, educating them on all of the networking   introductions for the services that they need.
     events available through the Chamber, and helping them promote
     their business. Our committee meets twice a month - come check it   At each meeting we feature one of our members so they have extra
     out.  If interested please contact Jaime or Dana Grimm, The Daniel &   time to educate our members on how they can best serve our group
                                                                and the community.
     Henry Company at  or 314-444-1956.

                                                                Meet Micah Mayfield,
                                                                Mortgage Advisor with Delmar Mortgage
     Leads Group I                                               (NMLS# 1179025):
     Leads Group I meets every Thursday at Helfer’s Pastries and Deli, 380   (314) 973-9910
     St. Ferdinand in Florissant, 7:30 - 8:30 a.m.  Open networking takes
     place from 7:30 - 7:45. At 7:45 the meeting opens with an inspirational
     moment, members take turns sharing about new developments in   Micah’s background for assisting people with their personal goals
     their business, suggesting what leads would be helpful to them and   is nothing new. He spent 12 years managing teams of sales profes-
     reporting on leads they have given on behalf of others.  Members   sionals in the consumer electronics industry. Micah discovered that
     take turns making a ten-minute presentation, updating the group   teaching people how to listen to the person in front of them and
     on new developments in their business, seeking advice and sharing   matching their goals to the correct solution is one of the greatest
     expertise.                                                 things you can do for someone in need.

     Leads Group I is seeking new membership in the following areas:   In seeking ways to pair his passion for helping people and his
     HVAC, electric, plumbing, banking.  Interested persons are welcome   understanding of finance, Micah’s career in lending began in March
     to visit the group and participate in a meeting.  To become a full   of 2014. He worked at UMB Bank as a personal banker, helping his cli-
     member, the business must be a Greater North County Chamber   ents build strategies around their cash flow and personal liabilities.
     member and their business cannot be in competition with the   Throughout Micah’s time he built many partnerships with financial
     business of another group member.  This is the perfect group for the   professionals in and around the St. Louis market. His team focused
     person who wants to hit the ground running.  Here, the early bird   approach defined him as a trusted advisor with his clients. Under-
     doesn’t get the worm: that bird can purchase a super breakfast - sup-  standing how truly how powerful of a financial tool a mortgage is,
     porting another Chamber business (Helfer’s) - while honing business   Micah decided to transition to Delmar Mortgage in May of 2016.
     strategies.  To get more information, contact Teri Reiter, secretary for   Mortgage lending is a constantly changing world. As the markets
     the group, at, or call Teri at (314) 495-9800.  change and interest rates fluctuate, it is important to have a Trusted
                                                                Advisor like Micah to guide you through your options.

                                                                Leads 2 meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursday from Noon to 1pm at the
                                                                Chamber office. Feel free to bring your lunch and network with us.
                                                                You can contact Brian Douglas with questions or to see if your
                                                                classification is represented… (314)599-0377 or brian.douglas.j009@
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