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Carl Lathan
Greetings to each of you and WELCOME to our new members!
July is here and so are the hot temperatures. Summer,,,,Summer,,,,Summer!!! Can you believe we have entered into the 3rd quarter of the year? If you haven’t partic-
ipated in any of the Chamber events so far this year then you are running out of time! Please check out the Calendar of Events and make your plans now to attend at
least 7 events this month (because it is now the 7th month of the year).
Did you know: July is named after Roman dictator Julius Caesar who developed the precursor to the Gregorian calendar we use today. If you check out your calendar
you will see the hot and sultry Dog Days of Summer begin on July 3. Visit your local ice cream parlor in efforts to keep cool. I have read we are in for extreme tempera-
tures. Along with the high temperatures come high utility bills. Plan accordingly $$$$
Did you know: July is the month of junk food (my favorite). The birthstone for July is ruby. Happy Birthday to all of you celebrating this month.
Did you know: On July 6, 1885 the French microbiologist Louis Pasteur administered the first rabies vaccine to a patient. The patient was nine-year-old Joseph Meister.
The child had been bitten by a rabid dog. Pasteur was unsure whether the vaccine would be successful. Fortunately for the boy, it worked!
Before closing, I would like to acknowledge our small business owners. Running a small business is not for the faint hearted. Attending to day-to-day operation of the
business, coping with financial pressures, motivating others, and all the while trying to maintain your own passion and purpose can become overwhelming. Please
take time to support and appreciate our local small business owners. We are all in this community together.
Please remember you are part of a Chamber that cares about you, your business and the community. For the Chamber to be successful, YOU must be successful. Our
success is greatly determined by your participation in our Chamber events. Education, socialization, networking and so much more can be achieved if YOU will only
participate. I look forward to seeing you soon.