Page 11 - May Newsletter
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Our April Women In Networking Lunch was a packed house! Our
Cleaning. special guest speaker was Sergeant Dominica Morrow with the
Our GNC Chamber President, Chair and Board Members took part in Ferguson Police Department! She shared information on ways to stay
the KMOX Great St. Louis Clean Up! Thank you to Charlie Brennan safe as a woman, how to be more aware of your surroundings and
with KMOX for putting this event together! Trash was cleaned up in online safety! If you missed being here plan on being at our Wom-
North County! en’s Empowerment Seminar on Friday, September 23rd! Sgt. Morrow
will be a guest speaker for the event!
During the Ribbon Cutting for the Jennings McDonalds awards were
presented to the 2021 St. Louis County Police Officer of the Year, 2021
Clocking Out. Fire Department of the Year and the 2021 Jennings School District
Thank you to Paul Managnelli with American Family Insurance for Teacher of the Year! Congratulations!
hosting our April Off the Clock! It was fun to celebrate your 32nd year
with you! Food was provided by Amore Pizza and it was delicious!
Off the Clock offers fun networking with other GNC Chamber mem-
bers! Don’t miss out on them!
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