Page 41 - Gallery 19C Nazarenes Catalogues
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 Fig. 1   Peter Cornelis and Johann Friedrich Overbeck, Double Portrait,   Fig. 10   Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld, Orlando furioso, fresco, Casino   Fig. 19   Johann Friedrich Overbeck, The Triumph of Religion in the
 1812, pencil drawing, Private Collection, Munich  Massimo, Rome; Stanza del Ariosto: north wall with the story   Arts, 1840, oil on canvas, 389 × 389 cm, Städel Museum,
 of Ruggiero: narrow wall: Melissa shows Bradamante the figures   Frankfurt am Main
 Fig. 2   Franz Pforr, The Entry of Rudolf I of Habsburg into Basel in
 the Year 1273, 1810, oil on canvas, 90.5 × 118.9 cm, Städel   of the princes of the House of Este in the Cave of Merlin (left);   Fig. 20   Johann Friedrich Overbeck, Baptism, 1863/1864, oil on canvas,
 Museum, Frankfurt am Main   Ruggiero’s Baptism (right), 1826–1827, 288 × 405 cm; vault: The   72 × 82 cm (original canvas), 67.8 × 76.5 cm (stretcher
 wizards Atlas, Melissa, and Alcina (lunette, 125 × 236 cm) with
 Fig. 3   Albrecht Dürer, Self-portrait in a fur-collared robe, 67.1 × 48.7   the Massimo coat of arms (cap) framed by Marfisa (left, 255 ×   frame), Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, Neue
 cm, Alte Pinakothek, Munich  93 cm) and Bradamante    Pinakothek, Munich
 Fig. 4   Raphael, Self-Portrait, oil on panel, 47.3 × 34.8 cm,   (right, 255 × 93 cm), and a good-humored Cupid    Fig. 21   Johann Friedrich Overbeck, Lamentation, 1845, oil on canvas,
 Uffizi, Florence  (spandrel, 78 × 176 cm), 1824  270 × 290 cm, St. Marien, Lübeck
 Fig. 5   Johann Friedrich Overbeck, Italia and Germania,   Fig. 11   Franz Krüger, Prince Augustus of Prussia, c. 1817 Oil on canvas,   Fig. 22   Stefan Lochner, Dombild (Cathedral Altarpiece with
 1828. Oil on canvas, 94.4 × 104.7 cm, Bayerische   63 × 47 cm, Alte Nationalgalerie  Patron Saints of Cologne), 1440s, mixed technique on
 Staatsgemäldesammlungen, Neue Pinakothek, Munich  Fig. 12   Wilhelm Schadow, Portrait of a Young Roman Woman   wood, 260 × 185 cm (central), 261 × 142 cm (each wing),
                    Cathedral, Cologne
 Fig. 6   Lukasbund, The Joseph Room, 1816–1817, fresco, repainted   (Angelina Magatti), 1818, oil on canvas, 94 × 78.8 cm,
 with tempera and gold, formerly Casa Bartholdy, Rome:   Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, Neue Pinakothek,   Fig. 23   View of the nave and north transept of St. Apollinaris,
 Johann Friedrich Overbeck, The Sale of Joseph (Main field, 243   Munich (on loan from the Bavarian Palace Department)  Remagen. Photo taken 2003 by Sigmar Fitting
 × 304 cm, now Alte Nationalgalerie, Berlin (since 1888)  Fig. 13   Wilhelm Schadow, The Holy Family Beneath a Portico,

 Fig. 7   Lukasbund, The Joseph Room, 1816–1817, fresco with tempera,   1818. Oil on canvas, 142.5 × 102.4 cm, Bayerische
 formerly Casa Bartholdy, Rome: Johann Friedrich Overbeck,   Staatsgemäldesammlungen, Neue Pinakothek, Munich
 The Lean Years (lunette, 150 × 480 cm), Peter Cornelius,   Fig. 14   Wilhelm Schadow, St. John, circa 1832–1837, oil on canvas,
 Joseph Reveals Himself to his Brothers; frescoes (main field   52 × 47 cm, Collection Friedrich Hübner, Kiel
 below, 290 × 236 cm), now Alte Nationalgalerie, Berlin
 (since 1888)  Fig. 15   Carl Friedrich Lessing, Mourning Royal Couple, 1830. Oil on
 canvas, 215 × 193 cm, The Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg
 Fig. 8   Peter Cornelius, Johann Friedrich Overbeck, Wilhelm
 Schadow and Philipp Veit, Presentation Sheet with Copies of the   Fig. 16   Eduard Bendemann, The Captive Jews in Babylon, 1832.
 Casa Bartholdy Frescoes, 1818, watercolor on paper, mounted   Oil on canvas, 183 × 280 cm, Wallraf-Richartz-Museum
 on canvas, 52 × 108 cm, Alte Nationalgalerie, Berlin (Loan of   und Fondation Corboud, Cologne
 the German Federal Republic)  Fig. 17   Peter Cornelius, The Riders of the Apocalypse, 1846, charcoal
 on paper, 472 × 588 cm, missing since 1945 (formerly, Alte
 Fig. 9   Johann Friedrich Overbeck, Gerusalemme liberata, fresco,
 Casino Massimo, Rome; Stanza del Tasso: north wall showing   Nationalgalerie Berlin)
 Peter of Amiens nominates Godfrey of Bouillon as the Leader of   Fig. 18   Johann Overbeck, Let the little children come to me, 1865, pen
 the Christian Army (Preparing the Siege of Jerusalem), 1825  and ink over pencil, 65.3 × 81.3 cm, Landesmuseum Hannover

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