Page 95 - Gallery 19C Nazarenes Catalogues
P. 95

2  13      PROVENANCE                  EXHIBITED                  LITERATURE
 Johann Richard Seel  J. Bloem, Düsseldorf, until 1908  Elberfeld, Städtisches Museum,   Ammann 1907, 116/117.
 GER M AN, 1817–1875  Sale, Grisebach Auktionen, Berlin,   Elberfelder Familienporträts,    Schäfer 1907, 120.
            28 November 2012, lot 123
                                        March–April 1907, no. 98
                                                                   Knieriem 1994, 133.
 BETTY JOSEFINE JACOBINE BLOEM (1824–1903)    Private Collection, California   Heidermann 2003, 34–36
 AND FRIDERIKE LUISA BLOEM (b. 1823)  (acquired at the above sale)  (fig. 34 on 35); 130; and 215,
 signed J.R. Seel and dated 1841 (lower left)                      cat. no. 35.
 oil on canvas
 42 ¹/₂ by 34 ¹/₄ in. (108 by 87 cm)

 Johann Richard Seel (1817–1875), the artistically, musically, and poetically   artist, who was merely 22, this was indeed, the first director of   “B. Beluty” and proceeded to open a small business. Friderike, in turn,   Cat. 13a Johann Richard Seel (artist) and Julius Springer
 gifted son of a tin caster, received his first artistic education in Elberfeld   Elberfeld’s municipal museum gushed, an astonishing achievement.  3  never married and instead took care of their mother, who was then living   (publisher), The German Michel, 1842, lithography on paper,
 before enrolling at the Düsseldorf Academy in 1837 where he studied   in Düsseldorf at Schwanenmarkt 16. Probably in the same year he painted   40.5 × 50 cm, Heinrich-Heine-Institut, Düsseldorf.
 under Carl Friedrich Sohn (1805–1867). Three years later, in late 1840   The Bloems played an important role in the Rhinelands as a progressive   the double portrait (1841), Seel also portrayed the oldest sister,
 or perhaps early 1841, Seel left for Berlin and began to focus on drawing   voice among the region’s bourgeoisie. The sisters’ older brother, Anton   Catharina Augustine “Käthe” (1816–1901). Much smaller and simpler    Cat. 13b Carl Ferdinand Sohn, The Two Leonores, 1834, oil on
 and, above all, caricature. It was in this arena that in 1842, he produced   (1814–1884), became an influential lawyer that, as a staunch leader of the   than her sisters’ counterfeit, the canvas stands out for a disarming    canvas, 216 × 174 cm, Rheinisches Landesmuseum, Bonn.
 his most famous image, The Sleeping Michel, an allegorical commentary on   Düsseldorf democrats and member of the Prussian National Assembly,   frankness (Cat. 13c).   Cat. 13c Johann Richard Seel, Catharina Augustine “Käthe” Bloem, circa
 contemporary politics (Cat. 13a). In contrast to the figure of Germania,   garnered a reputation as an extraordinary defense attorney, not least of   1841, oil on canvas, 70 × 54 cm, Museum Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf.
 the Michel does not stand for the nation but the people. As such he is   the revolutionaries of 1848. Seel shared the family’s liberal ideals and   The Bloems were a tight knit family, and this, together with the sheer
 meant to embody the German national character. Seel’s widely circulating   commitment to democratic politics, and for that reason bonded with the   aesthetic brilliance of the double portrait might explain why the    ¹
 caricature thematized the suffering inflicted upon German people by   second oldest of the Bloem brothers, Julius (1822–1908), the later owner   various portraits remained in the family for over half a century. In 1925,   archiv-der-ausstellungen/ausstellungen-2020/schmaehung-provokation-
 their neighboring states, which, as he saw it, acted unanimously hostile.   of Betty and Friderike’s double portrait. Like his older brother a gifted   Catharina’s likeness finally found a permanent home in Düsseldorf’s   stigma-medien-und-formen-der-herabsetzung/stereotype-stigmata/der-
 Yet Seel was not letting the German rulers off the hook either, and the   attorney, Julius also kept close ties with the local art scene and in 1851   main painting gallery, but by then, the double portrait vanished.    deutsche-michel-ein-invektives-autostereotyp
 lock on Michel’s mouth denounces the widespread censorship in those 36   was elected an honorary member of Düsseldorf’s free artists’ association,   It had been last seen in 1907, when Julius, then a member of the    ²  In 1902 the initiatives for a museum succeeded, and Dr. Friedrich Fries
 principalities that made up a Germany in need, as the caricature suggests,   Der Künstlerverein Malkasten. It was here that the brothers met Emanuel   Committee of the Permanent Art exhibition in the Casino, had lent it to   was appointed as the first director of the newly founded Städtische Museum
 of unification. Michel’s role as a victim seems pitiful, but self-inflicted,   Leutze (1816–1868), who, inspired by the 1848-Revolution and the Rhine   Elberfeld’s municipal museum for an exhibition of local family portraits.   Elberfeld; in 1961, it was renamed after its most important patron, the Von
 and his dozing body calls out to the German population to “wake up.”  1  crossings of the local glee club, was working on his iconic Washington   The canvas attracted considerable attention, and the local newspaper   der Heydt family (nowadays located in Wuppertal).
 Crossing the Delaware. On the side, Leutze also produced a striking likeness   dedicated a full-page to its reproduction. When the first monograph    ³  Fries 1926, cited after Heidermann 2003, 130.
 If Seel’s reputation rests today on his caricatures, his own time regarded   of Anton. However, it was the youngest of the Bloem brothers, Gustav   of Seel appeared in 2003, its author, Horst Heidermann (1929–2018),
 him highly as a portraitist. He had already excelled in this genre at the   (1821–1905), who was most active as collector and amassed, while   regretted deeply that his only knowledge of the portrait was from a black-   ⁴
 Düsseldorf Academy, with the lush likeness of the sisters Betty and   making a name for himself as a trailblazer in the world of ammunition   and-white photograph. The painting’s reappearance on the art market   ammunition-manufacturing/
 Friderike Bloem as a prime example. The canvas occupies a unique place   manufacturing, a remarkable collection of the Düsseldorf School    in 2012—over 100 years after the canvas had been lost to obscurity—is    ⁵  Leipziger Sonntagsblatt, no. 37, 14. Sept. 1862 and no. 41, 12 Oct. 1862
 in Seel’s oeuvre, not least for its elaborate setting, which, half church,    of Painting.    4  thus truly a stroke of luck. It not only closes a gaping hole in Richard
 half greenhouse, bursts with gigantic flowers. Seel sets up a subtle   The sisters were no less interesting. While living in Bad Kreuznach   Seel’s oeuvre. It also delivers a powerful image of two women who, with
 dualism between the two sitters, one being more active, self-assured,   between 1841 and 1847, the youngest, Betty, struck up a friendship   their family, were dedicated in forging a liberal-democratic future for a
 the other more contemplative and bashful. The symbolism of the   with Jenny von Westphalen (1814–1881), the future wife of Karl Marx   united Germany. As such, the image is as rare as the women it depicts.
 surrounding flowers—the calla lily’s purity and the fertile rank growth of   (1818–1883), and in 1862 went on to publish an account of a later visit
 a passion fruit—expands this dualism into a juxtaposition of virtue and   with Jenny in London in the Leipziger Sonntagsblatt.   After the marriage
 passion, a juxtaposition that prompted Friedrich Fries (1865–1954) in 1926   to a wealthy manufacturer, cut short after two years by her husband’s
 to suggest an immediate influence of Seel’s teacher, Carl Friedrich Sohn,    unexpected death in 1860, she took up writing under the pseudonym

 and his 1834 canvas Two Leonores (Cat. 13b).   Given the age of the

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