Page 14 - Foreign Language Catalogue 2021 (22092021)
P. 14
Lake Balaton:
Europe’s Hidden Paradise The Last Mahout
1 x 60’, 4K 1 x 60’, HD
There are few places left unexplored in the world, let alone in Europe. Welcome The elephant, Asia’s symbol of strength and power, is disappearing. Their numbers
to a hidden paradise, Lake Balaton, the largest body of freshwater in Central are dwindling, their habitat is being literally eaten away and their traditional forest
Europe. Formed in the last Ice Age by tectonic forces, nature continues to impact pathways now lead them into danger. Meet Sompast, a mahout, who has set his
the lake today. Join us on this journey to see predatory asps, marvel at glossy ibis, sights on the enormous task of restoring the balance between man and elephant
grey and night herons, join wild cats hunting and observe European bee-eaters - to build a sustainable future for both.
and ground squirrels raising the next generation!
Terra Mater Factual Studios David Adams Films
Legendary Megastructures Life At The Limits
3 x 60’, HD 3 x 60’, HD
Take a trip to France to discover the construction secrets to some of its most Extreme habitats can be found all around the globe. Meet the resident species
legendary megastructures. Learn how Napoleon I instigated many constructions that are pushed to their limits to survive and thrive. There are swimming sloths,
that are today anchored in Parisian Landscape. How and why the Christian Church birds that breed on volcanoes and bear monkeys with long fur to cope with the
built the Sanctuary of our Lady of Lourdes and how Napoleon III along with urban cold climate while feeding in Sri Lanka’s highest botanical gardens. We’ll discover
planner Baron Haussmann modernised Paris into the city we know today. the fascinating solutions that animals have developed to survive. Because in the
end, it all comes down to evolution’s hard truth: adapt or die.
La Famiglia Terra Mater Factual Studios/Kingdom Films/ARTE
Life Beyond Earth The Lion Tree
2 x 60’, 4K 1 x 60’, HD
Life Beyond Earth looks at the possibility of life evolving in the oceans of distant A giant fig tree marks the territory of a pride of lions, who have thrived for years
worlds including places within our own solar system. What kind of microbial life in a remote flood plain in North Western Zambia. One day without warning or
could exist? Would this life resemble anything like DNA or carbon based life explanation, the pride male has vanished, leaving five females and their cubs
forms? All these and other questions will be asked and the answers speculated to cope alone. The Alpha female must guide her sisters and the cubs through
upon, in Life Beyond Earth. treacherous times as two very different competing males attempt to take over
Content Available in Neutral Spanish / Contenido disponible en Español Neutro
the pride.
Astro Media/Big Media Camera Africa