Page 23 - Foreign Language Catalogue 2021 (22092021)
P. 23
White Lions: Born Wild Wild And Alive
2 x 60’, HD 4 x 60’, 4K
This is the story of two remarkable – and extremely rare – wild white lion cubs. To survive in the wild had never been easy, but in the age of man, the challenges
Growing up in the vast wilderness of South Africa’s Kruger Park, their high visibility faced by wildlife have increased exponentially. This series follows stories of
adds to every day’s survival challenges. This two-part true wildlife story, with hope, struggle and survival. Witness the incredible lengths creatures will go to
strong characters and closely studied behaviour, follows the cubs on their journey preserve themselves and to create a new generation of life. In this series we
into adulthood. follow the people safeguarding those under threat, from individual animals of
great importance, to species on the brink of extinction.
Terra Mater Factual Studios/Table Mountain Films/
Obsessively Creative/Thirteen WNET-New York/DTI South Africa Homebrew Film Company
Wild Canada Wild Jobs Content Available in Neutral Spanish / Contenido disponible en Español Neutro
2 x 60’, 4K 13 x 30’, HD
Fabulous landscape and spectacular wildlife: O Canada! This vast wild country, Marlice van Vuuren grew up on the Harnas wildlife sanctuary in Namibia. It was
boasting the longest coastline in the world with shores on three oceans, has here that she developed her love for wildlife, especially the injured, orphaned
the greatest north-south latitude range of any nation in the world. Countless and ‘problem’ animals. After completing her studies, Marlice and her husband
generations of humans shaped Canada’s nature for their own purposes and their Rudie started Naankuse, a wildlife sanctuary near Namibia’s capital. We follow
own survival. Five hundred years after the first European explorers, we rediscover their compelling conservation efforts - from saving the life of a baby baboon to
this land anew. collaring majestic desert elephants.
Terra Mater Factual Studios/Table Mountain Films/
Obsessively Creative/Thirteen WNET-New York/DTI South Africa Homebrew Film Company
Wild Portugal Wild Uruguary
3 x 60’, HD 1 x 60’, HD
Join us on a journey to reveal the beauty and diversity of the wildlife and Uruguay’s biodiversity is surprisingly greater than one would expect. We will find
landscapes of Portugal. In this three part series we travel through the wildest and out why as we embark on a journey through its ecosystems and landscapes to
most pristine places of Portugal. From the plains to the mountains, to the coast discover its fauna. Today we know that Uruguay is more than just the outermost
and the island, where we will meet some of the most iconic species at different edge of the Pampas, as the country holds a range of ecosystems. Within its
stages of their lives. This is ‘Wild Portugal’. borders, species of the Pampas come face to face with species of the Atlantic
Forest, the Misiones rainforest, and the Chaco forest, giving rise to unexpected
Tatu Films encounters. De La Raiz Films