Page 30 - Foreign Language Catalogue 2021 (22092021)
P. 30
Icy Killers Life Stories
1 x 60’, HD 11 x 60’, HD
The last thing one would expect in the sub-Arctic waters of Alaska is an abundant This beautiful series shows the most remarkable animal instincts. With parental
predatory shark population. Rarely seen, the salmon shark makes these icy behaviours ranging from the loving to the bizarre, with impala nurseries, protective
Alaskan waters its home. An evolutionary predecessor of the great white shark, caimans and legionary ants that have an army unit to defend their larvae. It shows
it’s sleeker, faster and enormously powerful. Icy Killers is a first time in-depth look us the life and death battles taking place every day as even the smallest Siamese
into the hidden world of Alaska’s salmon sharks. fighting fish tear each other to shreds.
Dangerous Passage Productions/Off the Fence Alvaro Mendoza Productions
A Light In The Darkness The Lion Tree
1 x 90’ or 1 x 60’, 4K 1 x 60’, HD
Marta, a 15-year-old Spanish student travels to Africa to attend rural schools in A giant fig tree marks the territory of a pride of lions, who have thrived for years
order to take the real pulse of education and its environment. On her return, in a remote flood plain in North Western Zambia. One day without warning or
Marta will try to understand, through interviews with relevant experts, the reasons explanation, the pride male has vanished, leaving five females and their cubs
why in such a globalized world there is still such a poor education. At the end, at to cope alone. The Alpha female must guide her sisters and the cubs through
a world forum on education at the United Nations, she will have the opportunity treacherous times as two very different competing males attempt to take over
to present her experiences to the international community. the pride.
Gondola Films Camera Africa
Lions & Giants The Lions Rule
1 x 60’, HD 3 x 60’, HD
Usually elephants are too large and dangerous for predator to attack. But in one The saga of three lion families linked together by a strange, charmed place called
place in Africa they are falling prey to a surprisingly fierce and capable group of the Glade – a beautiful oasis in Ruaha National Park where there is always water.
killers. Forced by extreme circumstances to change their behaviour, these fearless The changing fortunes of the Glade Pride, the Baobab Pride and the Njaa, drive
predators are in a class of their own and have evolved into a Super-pride. They the story. ‘Lions Rule’ is a bewitching and intimate journey filled with unique
Content Available in Castilian Spanish / Contenido disponible en Castellano
are the lions of Savuti. behavior, in an epic drama spanning 6 years.
Talking Pictures/Off the Fence Terra Mater Factual Studios/Kingdom Films/ARTE