Page 46 - London Screenings Catalogue 2025
P. 46


          NATURE & WILDLIFE                                                                                                      NATURE & WILDLIFE

          life in the carpathians                                                                                                some like it hotter: surviving in germany’s
                                                                                                                                 warmest spot

          European wildlife is threatened like never before...  its last refuge... the    Duration
          Carpathians.                                                                    4 x 60’                                When things heat up, you need to keep a cool head.                              Duration
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 1 x 60’
          Of all the mountain ranges in Europe, the Carpathians host the most primeval forests,   Credits                        At over 60 degrees on the ground, the Kaiserstuhl in southern Germany is home to true
          the largest populations of bears, wolves and lynx, along with an amazing diversity of   Arolla Films                   heat specialists. In spring, male green lizards emerge from hibernation to warm up and   Credits
          other creatures. This series shows how they survive over a year in this last stronghold                                find a mate. They have to fight rivals and impress selective females. Once eggs are   Tobias Mennle Film
          of  nature. Through  their  individual  stories, we  can  better  understand  the  connection   YOP                    laid, they depend on favorable weather to hatch. Red fox babies, on the other hand,   Production
          between animal life and the whole ecosystem of the Carpathian Mountains.  Together,   2025                             avoid the heat by staying in cool burrows during the day and venture out at night. Their
          they’ve created an ecosystem that holds life-giving water, draws carbon dioxide out of                                 survival depends on learning to hunt mice. How do these animals survive in Germany’s   YOP
          the atmosphere and protects the diversity of life.                              Definition                             warmest spot?                                                                   2021
                   WATCH VIDEO

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