Page 78 - OTF Catalogue 2020/2021
P. 78

     Ernest Hemingway spent much of his life as if permanently on holiday, and this served as a continuous source of inspiration to him. This film documents his travels in Italy. From the world wars to the Italian economic miracle, through friendships with both men and women (and accompanied by a large quantity of good food and wine) and with the landscape as a backdrop; the pleasures and tragedies of life were fundamental fuel for the writer.
SD Cinematografica
Imagine discovering a Civil War sword, an American Revolution musket, or a medieval battle-axe that is now priceless. It happens every day, and values reach upwards of hundreds of thousands of dollars. Join legendary appraiser and auctioneer Greg Martin as he meets ordinary people with extraordinary finds!
Hoff Productions/Smithsonian Networks
The Last Bomb documents one of the 21st Bomber Command’s long distance, low altitude, daylight strikes over Tokyo during the spring and summer of 1945. Launched from the hard-won South Pacific island of Iwo Jima, the 3,000 mile death-defying mission was considered one of the most dangerous of World War II.
Historian Tracy Borman paints the portrait of England’s most famous king and the enablers, the fools, the teachers and the men at arms who knew him best and shaped his outlook on the world. Henry VIII was taught by some of the most famous scholars of his time and developed a reflective and intelligent manner we seldom hear about. As Chief Curator of Britain’s Historic Royal Palaces, Tracey shows us the places where Henry and those who were closest to him lived.
Like A Shot Entertainment/Smithsonian Networks
America in Space explores NASA’s development from its founding in 1958 to its preparation for a moon landing as it has never been seen before. Originally released in 1968, this film is more than an account of hardware evolution, it recounts the unshakable optimism of a time when space seemed to offer unlimited opportunities.
Smithsonian Networks
This touching film introduces Bill Genaust, who captured on film the flag-raising on Iwo Jima. Meet this forgotten hero through his Photo Unit commander, through the last living relative to remember him, and in his forceful, visceral footage of two of the fiercest battles in World War II.
Hemingway Unknown
1 x 60’, 2014, HD
    Hidden Armor:
Found Treasures
3 x 30’, 2007, HD
History In HD:
America In Space
1 x 60’, 2008, HD
    History In HD:
The Last Bomb
1 x 60’, 2008, HD
Smithsonian Networks
Baney Media/Smithsonian Networks
Henry VIII And The Kings Men
3 x 60’, 2020, 4K
History In HD:
Shooting Iwo Jima
1 x 60’, 2008, HD

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