Page 11 - OTF Spanish Catalogue 2019
P. 11

    The story of the pearl is a tumultuous tale that dates back to the birth of civilisation. The magical allure and unearthly lustre of this ‘queen of gems’ seduced the rich and powerful, holding them spellbound for centuries. As the passion for the gems escalated, so did the status of the island of Bahrain - the source of the world’s finest pearls.
Save our Seas
30 kilometres inland from the Zambezi river, water flows out of a sandy river bed - a lifeline for hundreds of animals. But taking a drink is risky, as it’s flanked by cliffs and forms a perfect ambush alley for lions. The powerful predators strike with deadly force, and with an incredible success rate. They have developed skills that allow them to take on everything from buffalos to baby elephants. It is truly a predators’ playground.
Goddunnit Promotions
As the poaching crisis escalates it’s a time of peril for rhinos but a very special place gives orphaned babies a second chance at life. Come behind the scenes of Africa’s first dedicated rhino orphanage, where a team fights to secure the future of a species. It’s a long road to recovery for the fragile calves as they overcome the traumas of their early days to become wild rhinos again. For the people who care for them, it’s a world of highs and lows, of high risk and huge reward.
A Promise to the Dead: The Exile Journey of Ariel Dorfman explores exile, longing and democracy through the memories of playwright/author/activist Ariel Dorfman. Dorfman became cultural advisor to president Salvador Allende in Chile and when Allende was toppled in the 1973’s coup, Dorfman was one of the few of Allende’s inner circle to survive.
White Pine Pictures
The American prairie, today a collection of ghost towns and deserted swathes of land. The American Midwest reveals the damage created since the American settlement 150 years ago. But there is hope: scientists Frank and Deborah Popper propose turning the Great Plains into a common ground for the American buffalo and stimulating economic recovery for the region.
WESTEND Film & TV Produktion GmbH
In the face of countless sceptic, an innovating project is setting out to prove that releasing entire prides of captive-bread lions back into the wild is a solution to their declining numbers. This series documents this bold new project and its first release - a full pride of eight captive-bred lions. Will they survive?
Pearl Islands
1 x 60’
  Predators’ Playground
1 x 60’, HD
A Promise to the Dead
1 x 48’, 1 x 60’ or 1 x 90’, HD
 The Return of the Buffalo:
Restoring the Great American Prairie
1 x 60’, HD
     Rhino Orphanage
3 x 60’, 4K
Homebrew Film Company
Goddunnit Productions
Roaring With Pride
6 x 60’, HD
 Content Available in Neutral Spanish / Contenido disponible en español neutral

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