Page 9 - OTF Spanish Catalogue 2019
P. 9

    Life Beyond Earth looks at the possibility of life evolving in the oceans of distant worlds including places within our own solar system. What kind of microbial life could exist? Would this life resemble anything like DNA or carbon based life forms? All these and other questions will be asked and the answers speculated upon, in Life Beyond Earth.
Astro Media/Big Media
Since biblical times, locusts have plagued western Africa, leaving in their wake desolate landscapes and destitute populations. Yet what do we actually know about locusts? What conditions make a seemingly inoffensive insect metamorphose into a fearsome predator? We take a new look at this mega species and the latest science around their most unusual transformation!
MC4/Matin & Soir Films/ Off the Fence
Jaipur, India is home to the most riotous, unruly and lawless pack of monkeys the world has ever met! We see the world as they see it: against a bewildering backdrop of legs and many opportunities for causing trouble. We’ll mix incredible stories of monkey cunning and their hilarious escapades with the Jaipur humans’ attempts to tackle these parasitic trouble-makers.
A giant fig tree marks the territory of a pride of lions, who have thrived for years in a remote flood plain in North Western Zambia. One day without warning or explanation, the pride male has vanished, leaving five females and their cubs to cope alone. The Alpha female must guide her sisters and the cubs through treacherous times as two very different competing males attempt to take over the pride.
Camera Africa
Do you know where you can find the only untouched glacier? Where is the widest, highest or smallest waterfall in the world? Which desert is the driest or largest? Where are the locations of the most inaccessible mountains, the deepest point of the ocean, or where the salt plains lie? Let’s discover the world of geysers, active volcanoes and bizarre rock formations, which have one thing in common – they are not the work of man, they are the Miracle’s of Nature.
KM Pus Media/Big Media
This absorbing film is a meditation on why nuclear weapons still exist, 70 years on from their creation. The production of the documentary involved interviewing witnesses from a range of different perspectives. It also incorporates a specially composed musical piece by French composer Alain Kremski which beautifully underscores the continuing challenge of dealing with the most lethal weapon ever created by humankind.
Life Beyond Earth
2 x 60’, 4K
  Locust Invasion
1 x 60’, HD
The Lion Tree
1 x 60’, HD
  Miracles of Nature
26 x 30’, HD
    Monkey Thieves
39 x 30’ & 1 x 60’, HD
Off the Fence
Whistling Communications
The Nuclear Requiem
1 x 60’ or 1 x 90’, HD
 Content Available in Neutral Spanish / Contenido disponible en español neutral

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