Page 19 - OTF Spanish Catalogue 2019
P. 19

    Grizzly tells the story of Yellowstone National Park’s grizzly bears. Shot over three years and narrated by Susan Sarandon, the programme intimately follows the dramatic journey of two grizzlies: a mother struggling to protect and teach her tiny young cubs, and a young male fighting for survival in a valley full of wolves, black bears and bigger grizzlies.
45 North Films
Marking the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President Kennedy in Dallas, The Dallas Morning News, brings a captivating documentary featuring 28 eyewitnesses. Never before has this collection of key individuals been gathered to tell their personal stories and roles they played in history. Time has lent the opportunity to speak on the previously unspeakable, and JFK 50: Eyewitness to history has captured it all.
Dallas Morning News
This beautiful series shows the most remarkable animal instincts. With parental behaviours ranging from the loving to the bizarre, with impala nurseries, protective caimans and legionary ants that have an army unit to defend their larvae. It shows us the life and death battles taking place every day as even the smallest Siamese fighting fish tear each other to shreds.
The last thing one would expect in the sub-Arctic waters of Alaska is an abundant predatory shark population. Rarely seen, the salmon shark makes these icy Alaskan waters its home. An evolutionary predecessor of the great white shark, it’s sleeker, faster and enormously powerful. Icy Killers is a first time in-depth look into the hidden world of Alaska’s salmon sharks.
Dangerous Passage Productions/Off the Fence
‘The Last Lion of Liuwa’ is the emotive story of an African wilderness and the last refuge for a solitary Lioness. She is the sole survivor of a senseless massacre that took the rest of her pride. She is a symbol of the Liuwa, a place that challenges all who live here and where adaptation is crucial to survival. Her story is true and she remains the only lion of this very special place.
Talking Pictures/Off the Fence
Usually elephants are too large and dangerous for predator to attack. But in one place in Africa they are falling prey to a surprisingly fierce and capable group of killers. Forced by extreme circumstances to change their behaviour, these fearless predators are in a class of their own and have evolved into a Super-pride. They are the lions of Savuti.
1 x 60’, HD
   Eyewitness to History
JFK 50:
1 x 60’, HD
Icy Killers
1 x 60’, HD
 Last Lion Of Liuwa
1 x 60’, HD
    Life Stories
11 x 60’, HD
Alvaro Mendoza Productions
Talking Pictures/Off the Fence
Lions & Giants
1 x 60’, HD
 Content Available in Castilian Spanish / Contenido disponible en castellano

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