Page 20 - OTF Spanish Catalogue 2019
P. 20

     A giant fig tree marks the territory of a pride of lions, who have thrived for years in a remote flood plain in North Western Zambia. One day without warning or explanation, the pride male has vanished, leaving five females and their cubs to cope alone. The Alpha female must guide her sisters and the cubs through treacherous times as two very different competing males attempt to take over the pride.
Camera Africa
From the way they look after their young to the way they trap their pray; spiders are a marvel of nature. With over 40,000 species, some deadly, some harmless and some notorious, Little Matters delves deep into the intricate and wonderful world of the spider.
Alvaro Mendoza Productions
These are the breath-taking stories about the struggle of patients and doctors to unravel the strangest of illnesses. Using a detective story structure, we follow central characters whose illnesses seem to be impossible to diagnose and their doctors who will explain the paths of research they followed, as well as the obstacles they faced.
Immerse yourself in the many intricacies and quirks of the insect world. From the hunting traps of the ant lion to the methods employed by termites to keep their fungi farms cool. Insects represent over five million ways of being born, eating, communicating and building, finding mates and hunting: Little Matters journeys into their incredible and awe-inspiring world.
Alvaro Mendoza Productions
This engaging documentary lifts the lid on the life of the turtle. Contrary to our perceptions of them as slow and peaceful animals, they are actually impressive hunters, predators, and lovers. We explore their ultimate hunting techniques, marvel at the vast distances they travel, and the remarkable fact that, although they spend most of their lives alone, they synchronize with thousands of others to lay their eggs on the same beach at the same time.
Alvaro Mendoza Productions
The Lion Tree
1 x 60’, HD
Little Matters: Insects
1 x 60’, HD
    Little Matters: Spiders
1 x 60’, HD
Little Matters: Turtles
1 x 60’, HD
    Medical Challenges
13 x 30’, SD
Four Luck Banana
Finestrip Productions/Smithsonian Networks
Million Dollar American Princesses
4 x 60’, HD
Join Elizabeth McGovern as she takes an in-depth look at the young American heiresses whose real life stories inspired the acclaimed TV drama “Downton Abbey.” Starting in the 1890s and ending in the 1970s, we see how our Million Dollar American Princesses step out of their imprisoning mansions and stately homes to play an increasingly vital part in the cultural and political life of Britain and Europe.
 Content Available in Castilian Spanish / Contenido disponible en castellano

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