Page 22 - OTF Spanish Catalogue 2019
P. 22

     Deep in the heart of Sumatra’s Jambi region a hunt is on. In 2010, eight Indonesians were murdered in the forest and the killer is still at large. Of the eight victims, seven have been partially eaten. What creature counts humans as a food source? A 300lb Sumatran tiger.
Infocusasia/Off the Fence/NGCI/MDA Singapore
Snakes are a feature of nearly every culture in the world. 100,000 people die every year because of them. But we also owe our survival to snake predation on rodents. They attract a mythology which sometimes leaves the truth in its dust, but in reality, snakes are some of the most highly adapted animals on Earth. This is a celebration of the best and weirdest aspects of the wonderful world of snakes.
Genera Doc Wildlife aka Alvaro Mendoza Production
How do you trap one of the shyest cats in the world, the jaguar, without them even knowing it? Darien Simpson travels to the Amazon rainforest to capture jaguars for conservation purposes and shows that it is not just patience that is required for the job.
Spanning hundreds of acres and consuming enough electricity to power a small country – Super Factories are metropolises of mass construction. How do these gigantic factories create huge quantities of the biggest and baddest machines around? We reveal the ins and outs, the challenges and triumphs, the how’s and why’s of the most intriguing production powerhouses of our time.
Hoff Productions
Greece – the home of sun, sand, sea and most recently Mamma Mia! A place to relax drinking ice-cold super strong and super sweet coffee while playing tavli (aka backgammon). It’s a place to indulge the senses in a history that has spanned thousands of years. Narrated by David Suchet, This is Greece, a five part documentary series from acclaimed historian Michael Scott, brings modern Greece to life in front of your eyes.
Off the Rails Australasia Ltd
In commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of the Waco tragedy, we reveal first-person accounts from former and still active Branch Davidians, then men, women and children, who followed David Koresh into the fire and lived to tell about it. Witness the rise and fall of the movement as we uncover how it related to the outside world and explore Waco’s legacy in the last 25 years - how the faithful picked up and moved on, or in some cases, didn’t.
Sumatra’s Last Tigers
1 x 60, HD’
Super Factories
6 x 60’, HD
    Super Snakes
1 x 60’, HD
This is Greece
5 x 60’, HD
    Trapper And The Amazon
1 x 60’, HD
ITN Productions/Smithsonian Networks
Waco: The Longest Siege
1 x 60’, 4K
Content Available in Castilian Spanish / Contenido disponible en castellano

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