Page 4 - OTF Spanish Catalogue 2019
P. 4

     The Bat Women of Panama
1 x 60’, SD
There are more bat species flying in one small patch of forest in Panama than can be found in the whole of Europe or the USA. To study their behaviour, a group of adventurous and daring women scientists, the Bat Women of Panama, live and work at the Smithsonian research station on Barro Colorado Island, in the Panama Canal.
Fitz Productions Films/Off the Fence/ZDF
Each year the endangered black-faced spoonbill undertakes an incredible 2,000 kilometre migration from Taiwan to its annual breeding ground and the world’s most dangerous flashpoint – the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea. This film will follow the spoonbills’ journey and the dedicated scientists who, despite geopolitical divides, share one common goal: the conservation and protection of this symbolic bird.
Hydroelectric dams in Panama; garbage incinerators in India; eucalyptus forests harvested for charcoal in Brazil. What do these projects have in common? They all pay for ‘carbon offsetting.’ But what does that actually mean? Are they really reducing emissions? This groundbreaking film takes us around the world to meet the people most impacted, seeking to uncover the truth about this new global business frontier.
In 1908 the Bible Hunters set off to explore the ancient Near east, searching for the earliest possible records of Christianity. This is a detective story full of astonishing revelations and adorned with breathtaking locations. We will chart their epic quest for ancient papyri and parchment, share the thrill of their discoveries and examine what the texts they discovered reveal about the Bible and Christianity itself.
CTVC/BBC 2/Smithsonian Networks
For many years Borneo’s diminutive forest elephants were believed to be a feral population from domestic stock. DNA testing has confirmed they are a unique species. This story tells of one man’s mission to save these persecuted beasts from poachers. Following Bert the tracker, we witness some incredible footage revealing the most intimate secrets of elephant family life.
Michael Patrick Wong/Off the Fence
City Zoo houses over 3,000 animals from around the world. Each animal helps to educate the zoo’s visitors, and in return the zoo’s crew play their part in breeding and rehabilitating animal. We meet some of the zoo’s residents, and follow the crew’s efforts to keep animals healthy and happy. Come and take a walk on the wild side at City Zoo where tigers and lions live side-by-side and where conservation is a way of life.
    Bird Without Borders
1 x 60’, HD
Borneo’s Pygmy Elephants
1 x 60’, HD
    The Carbon Rush
1 x 60’ or 1 x 84’, HD
Carbon Rush Inc
Wild Dog Productions
Bible Hunters
2 x 60’, HD
City Zoo
10 x 30’, HD
Content Available in Neutral Spanish / Contenido disponible en español neutral

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