Page 2 - OTF Spring-Summer 2023 Programme Catalogue
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                                                                                          yesterday                                We’re thrilled to present our new spring/summer line-up of can’t miss programmes,
                                                                                                                                   encased in a beautiful new format. Over the last year, you’ll notice we’ve been working
                                                                                A diverse collection of history                    hard to refresh our look and showcase Off the Fence’s long history of premium, unique
                                                                                programmes, including WWII,
                                                                                 ancient and modern history                        access, entertaining and heart provoking non-scripted programmes.
                                                                                   told through rich archive,
                                                                                   reenactments and unique                         Leading our yesterday line-up is ‘Queens of Ancient   In tomorrow, ‘Future From Above’, takes a look at the
                                                                                         personal accounts.                        Egypt’. This series draws on the latest research and   world in 2050, a defining year for our planets future. ‘Blue
                                                                                                                                   discoveries, to explore three of Egypt’s most fascinating   Carbon’ is told through the eyes of Grammy-nominated
                                                                                                today                              female monarchs. ‘Truthseekers’ is a 12 part series which   DJ  and  marine  biologist  Jayda  G,  as  she  explores  the
                                                                                                                                   looks at some of the most iconic mysteries of the world,   science behind what our ocean has to offer.
                                                                                 Focusing on our relationship                      uncovering their real and sometimes mistaken history.
                                                                               with ourselves and the planet:                                                                         If that’s not enough, cast your eyes over our  slate of
                                                                                  Natural History, Travel and                      In today, ‘Butterflies: Superheroes of Nature’ brings to   shows in production and in development. With
                                                                                 Adventure, Lifestyle, People,                     the screen the first series dedicated to butterflies, using   programmes such as ‘The Forgotten Empire of the Middle
                                                                                         Crime and Impact.                         unique story telling which compares their fascinating   East’, ‘Billy & Dom: Eat the World’ (w/t), ‘Wild Talk’ and
                                                                                                                                   abilities  to that  of superheroes. ‘My  Gorilla Dream   ‘The  Satanic  Panic’,  we’re  sure  there’s  something  for
                                                                                          tomorrow                                 (w/t)’ is an epic observational documentary following   everyone.
                                                                                                                                   the award-winning wildlife cinematographer Vianet
                                                                                Our ground-breaking science                        Djenguet as he joins the effort to protect the critically   The team at Off the Fence can’t wait to tell you more!
                                                                                  programmes with a diverse                        endangered eastern lowland gorillas of the Democratic
                                                                               mix of new technology, health,                      Republic of the Congo. In ‘Human Playground’ Idris Elba
                                                                                 conservation and the future                       takes us on a journey around the globe to explore why us
                                                                                told in visually stunning ways.                    humans love to play.

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