Page 21 - OTF Spring-Summer 2023 Programme Catalogue
P. 21

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 hawaii: born of fire  march of the elephants  maremma: italy’s     nanling mountains

        untamed land
 Aloha! Welcome to paradise on earth. With its stunning   ‘March of The Elephants’ chronicles a herd’s year-  In southern China lie the Nanling Mountains,  a sub-
 beaches, spectacular landscapes and perfect waves   and-a-half journey across 1,300 km in Yunnan, China.   tropical  paradise,  home  to  many unique  and  rare
 drawing surfers from around the world, ‘Hawaii: Born   Locals help and guide the elephants through various   With a wide variety of different habitats existing in   animals and plants. This series explores the relationship
 of Fire’ invites viewers on a journey beyond the clichés   environments, inspiring responsibility towards wildlife   close proximity to each other, Italy is one of the largest   between the mountains’ feathery inhabitants and
 of Hawaiian culture. To the spirit of the islands, to the   and biodiversity. Humans express goodwill, building trust   biodiverse countries in Europe. The Maremma Park in   the change of seasons, highlighting some of the most
 essence of life, expressed in tradition, craftsmanship and   with the creatures as they search for food, water, shelter,   Tuscany, is a harsh environment located among sandy   unique courting and parenting rituals of birds, and
 ancient arts. Meet the settlers and their descendants who   and survival in nature reserves and human settlements.    and rocky sea coasts, wet areas and hills covered with   unveils a hidden side of this paradise - stories of survival
 have found their home in paradise.  Mediterranean scrub. Filmed over three years, the series   unfolding each day, reminding us of the beauty and
        shares the lives and fascinating  behaviors of Tuscany’s    fragility of life.
        wild inhabitants through all four seasons.

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 Duration  Credits   YOP   Definition   Duration  Credits   YOP   Definition   Duration  Credits   YOP   Definition   Duration  Credits   YOP   Definition
 2x60’  Spiegel TV  2023  4K  1x60’  China Review   2023  4K  2x60’  DocumentAria film  2022  4K  2x30’  Shenzhen Vision   2022  4K
 Studio                                                                          Documentary
                                                                                 Culture Co., Ltd
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