Page 29 - OTF Spring-Summer 2023 Programme Catalogue
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 more than gold  telling our story   tradition keepers              the great way

 This  is  the  inspirational  story  of  five-time  Olympian,   From more than thirty communities and villages in   For thousands  of years,  the indigenous peoples  of the   ‘The Great Way’ takes us on a journey to some of the
 double olympic gold medallist, Tongan/New Zealander   Quebec, Labrador, New-Brunswick, Ontario and Maine.   Indonesian archipelago have conveyed their worldview   world’s  greatest  hiking  routes.  A  round-the-world  trip
 Dame Valerie Adams; one of the world’s most celebrated   Over one hundred women and men of all generations hold   from generation to generation through textile arts. These   told through the people of the trails showing how these
 athletes. It is also the story of a mother, a daughter, a   the talking stick with humour, wisdom, and generosit.   traditions are now in crisis. ‘Tradition Keepers’ takes us   paths connect us with the Earth and take us back to our
 sister, and a survivor. Many believe they know Dame   They tell us, in their own way and from their perspective,   across Indonesia, telling the stories of those working to   roots. As they return for series two, Alba and Raul get their
 Valerie, but in a ‘sports’ documentary like no other she   their worldview, their connection to the land, their values,   maintain their textile arts, showing the complexity of their   backpacks ready and start a new journey travelling to
 shares her story with honesty and vulnerability exposing   their spirituality, their stories that span millennia, their   work, placing their art within a living culture, and showing   Jordan, Greece, Turkey, and the Canary Islands.
 herself in a way few sports people dare.  wounds, their struggles, their victories, and their hopes.  the challenges they face passing on their knowledge.

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 Duration  Credits   YOP   Definition   Duration  Credits   YOP   Definition   Duration  Credits   YOP   Definition   Duration  Credits   YOP   Definition
 1x90’  Eight Production/ NZ Film   2022  HD  4x60’  Terre Innue Inc.  2022  HD  6x30’  Threads of Life  2023  4K  8x60’  Meteorica Cine  2020-   4K
 1x60’  Commission/Government’s                                     1x90’                         2023
 Screen Production
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