Page 77 - OTF Spring-Summer 2023 Programme Catalogue
P. 77


 cursed histories  hitler’s secret missions

 You don’t have to believe, but you should beware... Unravelling   Duration  6 secret, politically sensitive and highly complex missions. All high   Duration
 the histories and legends that unleashed a wave of misfortune   6x60’  risk with completely different outcomes.  6x60’

 into the world.  Credits                                                               Credits
 Go Button Media /   All designed and commissioned personally by Adolf Hitler and executed by his best   Big Media & KM Plus
 otf studios                                                                            Media, Picasso Film /
 These tales of intrigue, heartbreak, and deception are so tragic people still speak of the sinister   commanders. After careful and detailed research in the German, English, Italian state   Martin Kase and Max
 forces surrounding the cursed. Learn how one misstep can set off a ripple of suffering. From   YOP   archives and in the secret archives of the Vatican, these stories can now be told. ‘Hitler’s   Serio
 the tomb of Tutankamun to the Hope Diamond to the Lost City of Frenier, history is riddled   2023   Secret Missions’ is a thorough and in-depth investigation into these audacious, daring
 with people, places, and objects that spread utterly wicked, unbridled chaos that brought   Definition   and ruthless operations, designed and ordered by Hitler, as he set out to control the   YOP
 death, disaster, and destruction upon them. How did these curses come to be? Whose wrath   4K  fate of Europe and determine the course of WWII and its final outcome.
 is responsible? What’s the truth behind the unlucky? And can anyone ever hope to contain it?   Definition


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