Page 84 - OTF Spring-Summer 2023 Programme Catalogue
P. 84


            SCIENCE                                                                                                                SCIENCE
            engineering evolved w/t                                                                                                flying knights

            The world’s 7.8 billion people are constantly in motion and their chosen   Duration                                    In less than fifty years, aviation went from flying objects made of         Duration
            modes of travel are a testament to incredible engineering that helps us    6x60’                                       wood and fabric to weapons of war!                                          4x60’

            move faster, further, and more efficiently than ever before.               Credits                                                                                                                 Credits
                                                                                       Go Button Media /                                                                                                       INA
                                                                                       otf studios                                 How did their planes evolve during the two world wars? Embark on a journey of
            But behind each swept wing and third rail, underneath the highest temperature heat                                     technological  advances,  foolish  bets,  courage,  and  sacrifice.  More  than  a  simple   YOP
            shield on rockets like the Falcon Heavy, is the hidden story of perfectly optimized   YOP                              history of aviation, this series tells the story of the ‘Flying Knights’, aviators without   2023
            design. How did we get here and where are we headed? Trial and error, parallel   2023                                  whom these machines would remain inanimate objects, deprived of their chance to
            histories, and problems resurfaced set the stage for stunning breakthroughs. We set   Definition                       soar through the sky.                                                       Definition
            out to tell the story of these complex machines, one mode of transportation at a time.   4K                                                                                                        4K
            What do innovations in process promise to help us achieve?

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