Page 95 - OTF Spring-Summer 2023 Programme Catalogue
P. 95


 mega parks  mesoamerica: the   the real unicorn                    singapore wildlife

 guardians of the forest                                            rescue
 What if the most important species in our planet’s greatest   On the 24th of June 2012, the guerrilla group Mai Mai
 national  parks  was  us?  Told  through  the  unique  and   Simba attacked the Okapi Conservation Project facilities
 diverse perspectives of the world’s top conservationists, as   Only five Central American forests remain from the huge   in Epulu killing six people and the 14 ambassador okapis   There’s  no  place  quite  like  Singapore  –  with  its  own
 well as people whose day-to-day lives are affected by these   biological gateway that once connected the northern   of the conservation programme. Luckily Rosmarie Ruf   biodiverse rainforest and freshwater swamp forest – all
 issues - we investigate whether the 19th century idea of the   and southern parts of the continent. Fragmented and   was not at the headquarters that day and 10 years later,   on a tiny landmass where animals and 5.7 million people
 ‘national park’ can survive in an uncertain 21st century,   threatened by intensive logging, these forests must be   she brings together an experienced team of rangers,   must learn to co-exist. As urbanization increases, wildlife
 as we reveal the hidden, human sides of these beautiful,   allowed to grow back and connect up again together.     Mbuti and veterinarians to capture three okapis with   encounters  and  conflicts  with  humans  are  on  the  rise.
 complex and highly man-made locations.  This can only be done with the help of their faithful allies   which to resurrect the conservation project.   This is an access all areas look at Singapore’s pioneering
 – the animals that live within them.                               ACRES rescue center where urban and rainforest animals
                                                                    get a second chance at life in the wild.

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 Duration  Credits   Definition   Delivery   Duration  Credits   Definition   Delivery   Duration  Credits   Definition   Delivery   Duration  Credits   Definition   Delivery
 4x60’  otf studios  4K  12 months   3x60’   Bamboo Docs   4K  9 months   1x90’/120’   Federation    HD  12 months   6x60’  otf studios  4K  9 months from
 from green-  1x60’  from green-  2/4x60’  Entertainment  from green-                                      green-light
 light  light                                   light
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