Page 95 - OTF Catalogue 2019-2020 Client PDF
P. 95

   This is the story of warfare in the modern age. From the legendary Spitfire to the stealth bombers of the second Iraq conflict. Each episode features ten stories from the conflicts of the 20th and 21st century, ranked by the impact they have had. Illustrated with rich contemporary archive footage and new interviews. This is an in-depth, scientific look at a popular area of modern history.
ITN Productions
The Trouble with Truth reveals the power of print in the face of oppression. As the South African apartheid government clamped down on free political activity, an independent-minded newspaper protested. The Guardian developed into the intellectual voice of the liberation movement in South Africa, taking on the discriminatory ideology of apartheid and exposing its practices in print and photographs, headlines and provocative cartoons.
Sabido Productions
Egypt’s boy-king Tutankhamun died aged 18. Hastily mummified and placed in an unfinished tomb, his existence remained unknown until the tomb’s sensational re-discovery in 1922. When two American detectives investigate how and why he died the evidence points to murder, conspiracy and cover-up. It’s an irresistible whodunit where real life detectives hunt down real life ancient killers.
February 1917. To provide logistical support to WWI troops, a troopship of volunteers from the South African Native Labour Contingent is sent to France. The men never arrive. This incident still troubles some South African communities today. A story endures of the final hours before the volunteers drowned, when a charismatic Xhosa priest called the men to dance a warrior dance on deck as their ship sunk into the freezing water.
Sabido Productions
The events in the Netherlands in the spring of 1637 were the first examples of speculative frenzy taking over a marketplace. More were to follow in the history of the world’s economics. In 1637 many of the country’s citizens sold all they had for a few bulbs or ’paper promises’ of potential tulip bulbs that didn’t even exist. The tulip business bloomed. And then – the bubble burst.
Terra Mater Factual Studios
This unique and powerful documentary tells the previously untold story of the 47 twins who became twinless on the day of the terrorist attacks. We hear of terrifying ordeals and awesome courage that make for a profound and compelling tale, exploring the nature of grief borne by twins from the people who have suffered the greatest loss of all.
Top Ten Warfare
10 x 60’, 2015, HD
Troopship Tragedy:
The Sinking Of The SS Mendi
1 x 60’, 2015, HD
    The Tulip Bubble
1 x 60’, 2013, HD
 The Trouble With Truth
1 x 60’, 2009, SD
A Murder Mystery
2 x 60’, 2003, SD
 Atlantic Productions
BBC Wales Production
The Twins Of The Twin Towers
1 x 60’, 2011, HD

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