Page 96 - OTF Catalogue 2019-2020 Client PDF
P. 96

    From a tiny revolver to a rifle so big it needs to be supported by a bench, the gun room has it all. The amazing array of weapons here come in many varieties spanning over 200 years: automatic, silent, historic and deadly. Curator David Miller knows and loves all of the nearly 7,000 weapons that call this storage area home.
Big Fish Entertainment/Smithsonian Networks
Everybody remembers where they were on the 11th of September 2001. The world was in a state of shock. 9/11 will forever remain a symbol of evil. This film shows a different side of 9/11, and is about people’s capacity for good. It tells the story of Gander, a small town in Newfoundland that became synonymous with empathy, altruism, respect and tolerance.
Terra Mater Factual Studios/Interspot Film
A remarkable new archaeological find reveals a disturbing truth behind the legend of the vampire. Brutally abused corpses, some even shackled to their coffins, have been discovered that date from hundreds to thousands of years before Dracula. This investigation will look into the darkest depths of humanity’s earliest fears of the undead and asks where these terrifying ideas came from.
The career of Lt. Chew-Een “Kurt” Lee, the first officer of Asian descent to be commissioned in the United States Marine Corps, opens a new chapter in American military history. A pioneer and shining example of resolve and courage, Kurt Lee’s story is one of pride, perseverance, tragedy and triumph.
KPI Productions/Smithsonian Networks
In February 1945, a photographer captured the iconic image of US Marines planting the American flag atop a mountain in Iwo Jima. The identities of these men have been thought known for 70 years, but new evidence shows that one man was never identified. This film can finally reveal a new hero. Using modern science and expert investigations to examine the original photo in ways that we have never seen before, we rewrite the history books.
Lucky8 TV/Letter Ten Productions/Smithsonian Networks
Historian Lucy Worsley oversees a glorious re-imagining of the wedding of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. Aided by experts, Lucy painstakingly recreates elements of the wedding celebrations, scouring history books, archives, newspapers and even Victoria’s very own diaries for details. Each element of the wedding will be carefully researched, remade by hand, and finally put to use in a dramatic re- staging of the big day itself.
The Ultimate Gun Room
1 x 15’, 2007, HD
Uncommon Courage:
Breakout At Chosin
1 x 60’, 2009, HD
    The Unexpected Visitors:
9/11 Silver Linings
1 x 60’, 2015, 4K
 The Unknown Flag
Raiser Of Iwo Jima
1 x 60’, 2016, 4K
     The Vampire Skeletons
1 x 60’, 2011, HD
Quickfire Media
BBC Studios Unscripted Production/BBC/PBS
Victoria And Albert: The Wedding
2 x 60’ or 1 x 90’, 2018, HD

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