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NEW  •

            brave blue world: racing

            to solve our water crisis

            “Brave Blue World” explores the technologies
            and innovations that have the potential to solve
            the world’s water crisis.

            We are at the cusp of a water revolution. We are witnessing   Duration
            the transition from being hunters and gathers for water to   1x60’
            keepers of water and producers of water. This documentary   Credits
            explores  scientific  and  technological  advancements  that   Brave Blue
            have been taking place to ensure the world’s population   World Studios
            has access to clean water and safe sanitation services and   YOP
            the environment is protected.                           2020
            Narrated by actor Liam Neeson, Brave Blue World features   4K
            scientists, engineers, and activists from around the world,
            including actor Matt Damon, co-founder of global non-                                                                 “How lucky are we, that we get to
            profit, and actor and musician Jaden Smith, co-
                                                                                                                                    be the ones that get to solve this”
            founder of non-profit 501CThree.

                                                                                                                                                                                                               - Matt Damon

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