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            HISTORY                                                                                                                TRAVEL & ADVENTURE
            truthseekers series 2                                                                                                  japan: the sense of season

            Throughout history certain civilisations, events and objects have            Duration                                  Back for a stunning two further episodes, this documentary takes             Duration
            fascinated and inspired us to dig deeper, climb higher and go further        8x60’                                     viewers on a journey through the changing seasons of Japan.                  2x60’

            on our endless quest to be the first to uncover the truth.                   Credits                                                                                                                Credits
                                                                                         Big Media in                              Springtime brings spotted seals, Japanese albatrosses, and Firefly squid to the shores of   Tokyovision &
                                                                                         co-production                                                                                                          otf studios
            Back for an exciting second series we look at more of the most iconic mysteries of the   with RMC Story                Japan. In Summer, people flock to the beaches of Okinawa, and rice planting rituals take
            world. Going back to the beginning to see how the myths passed down through time                                       place across the country. In Autumn, the beautiful autumn tints are on full display, and   YOP
            have become some of the greatest mysteries we know today. If we’ve learned anything,   YOP                             Shinto rituals for typhoon safety are held whilst Bitchu Matsuyama castle and Sukumo   2023-2024
            it’s that where there is mystery there will always be ‘Truthseekers’, people that will stop   2024                     beach offer unique natural phenomena. The series explores how the Japanese celebrate   Definition
            at nothing to uncover the truth behind myths and legends.                    Definition                                and pay homage to nature throughout the seasons.                             4K

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