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            NATURE & WILDLIFE                                                                                                      NATURE & WILDLIFE
            mesoamerica: the guardians                                                                                             saving wild singapore

            of the forest                                                                                                          There’s no place on Earth like Singapore, where endangered                   Duration

            Some 5 million years ago, Central America rose above sea level to            Duration                                  rainforest and wetland species co-exist with 5.7 million city dwellers.      6x60’
            create a natural bridge between the northern and southern parts              3x60’ or                                  With urbanization pushing ever further, there’s never been a more important time to   Credits
                                                                                                                                                                                                                otf studios
            of the American continent.                                                                                             preserve Singapore’s 40,000 native and endangered species and their habitats.  In this
                                                                                         Credits                                                                                                                Definition
            For the first time, thousands of animal and vegetable species, were able to share a   Bamboo Doc                       landmark documentary series, we take global viewers on an incredible journey across   4K
            common territory in the brand-new forests of Central America. Now only five of these                                   urban wildlife rescue, national parks conservation and protected marine habitats to   Delivery
            forests remain. Fragmented and threatened by intensive logging, these forests must   Definition                        discover Singapore’s conservation heroes and green warriors at work: passionate,   9 months from
            be allowed to grow back and connect again together. This can only be done with the   4K                                dedicated researchers, scientists and volunteers who are driving innovative projects   green-light
            help of their faithful allies – the animals that live within them.           Delivery                                  dedicated to rare and threatened species’ survival.
                                                                                         4-6 months from
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