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            CRIME                                                                                                                  CRIME
            the satanic panic                                                                                                      the sex trafficker’s wife

            Over the course of three decades, a bizarre phenomenon occurred.           Duration                                    When Amanda Quick’s husband Charlie didn’t come home one                     Duration

            Hundreds of children across the world began to accuse their                3x60’                                       night she rang his work, the hospital, and finally the non-emergency         2x60’
            Kindergarten teachers and guardians of ritualistic satanic abuse.          Credits                                     dispatch. To her surprise, she was transferred to the local jail...          Credits
                                                                                       Great Southern TV                                                                                                        Enderley Pictures
            The allegations and stories, fuelled by parents or investigating police, were shocking,   Definition                   Charlie had been arrested, and his bail was set at $250,000. What had happened? The   Definition
            whipping up mass hysteria around the world. Children everywhere were left in a   4K                                    next words would change her life forever. He had been arrested for suspected human   4K
            stunning cultural, religious, and social tug of war, as the world embraced the Satanic   Delivery                      trafficking. This series uses exclusive first-hand testimony from Amanda, her friends,
            Panic. For the first time ever, we join the dots on this global scandal and shine a light   9 months from              community members, and the police to piece together how this shocking moment
            on the madness of The Satanic Panic.                                       green-light                                 came to be and to explore the whirlwind of unbelievable revelations that followed that
                                                                                                                                   dreaded phone call.

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