Page 13 - OTF_Catalogue_Autumn_Winter 2023
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 invasion: the normans  queens of ancient egypt

 850 years ago, the Normans were one of the world’s most   Duration  Drawing on the latest research and discoveries, this ground-breaking   Duration
 powerful military forces, dominating Britain, France, and Sicily.  2x60’  series explores three of Egypt’s most fascinating female monarchs.  3x60’
 Credits                                                                               Credits
 Over two episodes we will explore the 12th Century Norman invasion of Ireland.   Tile Films  The woman who became a living goddess, only to die amid the ravages of plague. The   Produced by Tile
 Generally considered English or Welsh, the Normans were in fact as much French as   YOP   mother who faced murder and misery from her brother-husband as she fought for   Films for Curiosity & otf
 British. Boasting a fascinating cast of characters, including the powerful Norman king   2023   control of Egypt. The tragic daughter of Cleopatra, who became a monarch in her own   studiosk
 Henry II; the opportunistic Norman lord Strongbow; the ruthless Irish king Diarmait;   right. The ‘Queens of Ancient Egypt’ are among the great civilization’s most fascinating   YOP
 and his ambitious daughter Aoife who became Strongbow’s wife, this documentary   Definition   and enigmatic characters and over 3 episodes we tell the stories of these little-known   2023
 series tells one of history’s most epic stories. It’s a real-life Game of Thrones that   4K  but incredible Egyptian queens.  Definition
 changed the history of Europe forever.                                                4k


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