Page 53 - OTF_Catalogue_Autumn_Winter 2023
P. 53

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 flying knights  future from above

 In less than fifty years, aviation went from flying objects made of wood   Duration   ‘Future from Above’ takes us on a journey of discovery to find out how   Duration

 and fabric to weapons of war! Who were the first fighter pilots in   4x60’  the world could look in 2050 - the defining year for our planet’s future -   4x60’
 history? How did their planes evolve during the two world wars?  Credits    where “the climate fight” remains the consuming battle of our age.  Credits
 INA / Histoire TV                                                                        otf studios, Earth X,
 Embark on a journey of technological advances, foolish bets, courage, and sacrifice. Using   YOP   It’s a future that is, in technological terms, easily within our reach, driven by revolutionary   Borderless & Dopamine
 testimonies, archive footage and groundbreaking 3D modelling, we tell the unbelievable   2023   thinking and the unique  ability to reshape our world  and transform every aspect   YOP
 stories of these aviation heroes. More than a simple history of aviation, this series tells   of our lives. Across the series we travel into the future and bring to life a world where   2023
 the story of the ‘Flying Knights’, aviators without whom these machines would remain   Definition   environmental challenges are successfully being overcome thanks to a multitude of   Definition
 inanimate objects, deprived of their chance to soar through the sky.    revolutionary technologies.   4K


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