Page 60 - OTF_Catalogue_Autumn_Winter 2023
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            HISTORY                                                                                                                HISTORY
            revolutions that changed history                                                                                       to kill a dictator

            History has long glorified its great leaders and early rulers, however       Duration                                  Starting in the moments just before the final blow when death seems           Duration

            being an elite wasn’t all wonder and prosperity.                             6x60’                                     almost inevitable, we pause to investigate who is facing their demise         6x60’
                                                                                         Credits                                   and what motivated the murder.                                                Credits
            Even  the  fiercest  General  and  the  most  enduring  Monarch  would  be  confronted  by   Go Button Media /                                                                                       Go Button Media /
            opposition and upheaval. Some learned the hard way that power is far from absolute,   otf studios                      ‘To Kill a Dictator’ rewinds history to see how the soon-to-be-assassinated tyrant would   otf studios
            and allegiance, isn’t always conditional. This series exposes the complex truth behind   YOP                           wield power over others. What key events impacted the nation? Meet the characters   YOP
            ancient revolutions and revolts, from the epic, action-packed, bloody battlegrounds to   2024                          at the helm who are hoping to alter the course of history. What was the layout of their   2024
            the intimate exchanges between confidants that were powerful enough to turn tides.                                     mission, what traps were set? And how were they found holding the smoking gun? The
                                                                                         Definition                                                                                                              Definition
                                                                                         4K                                        final question remains, were the assassins’ actions enough?                   4K

                 WATCH VIDEO                                                                                                            WATCH VIDEO

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