Page 72 - OTF_Catalogue_Autumn_Winter 2023
P. 72


            HISTORY                                                                                                                HISTORY
            the assyrian empire: the untold story                                                                                  built for battle

            It was the world’s first superpower. One of the earliest and                 Duration                                  ‘Built For Battle’ traces the history, innovation, and breakthrough        Duration
            greatest empires of the ancient world, stretching out between                1x60’                                     moments of the world’s most influential military machines.                 6x60’
            Egypt, Kuwait and Turkey.                                                                                                                                                                         Credits
                                                                                         Credits                                   Mixing  history,  science,  and  engineering  we  see  how  specific  battles  and  combat   Red Rock
            The Assyrians were an unstoppable, advanced military force, conquering the Middle   Bamboo Doc &                       missions defined the machinery of the time. From aircrafts to weapon launchers, this   International
            East, with a dynasty of hegemonic warrior-kings ruling over it for hundreds of years.   otf studios                    series will cover the full breadth of various militaries and their capabilities, using a   Definition
            But who were they? How did they live? What marks did they leave on the world   Definition                              mixture of archive and interviews that outline how unique each of these innovations   4K
            and how did they influence the future of civilisation? With exclusive access to the   4K                               are.  We  start  with  the  battle and  trace  back  to  the  origin  of  each  machine,  the
            archaeologists excavating untouched sites, after more than a millennium of mystery,                                    motivations behind its creation, the people behind the technology, the impact on the   Delivery
                                                                                                                                                                                                              12 months from
            are we about to reveal the secrets of the world’s first superpower?          Delivery                                                                                                             green-light
                                                                                         12 months from                            world and what the future holds.
                 WATCH VIDEO                                                                                                            WATCH VIDEO

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