Page 5 - Insight Issue 1 _ 2018
P. 5

“my “appointments” didn’t actually fll you with confdence

              So I now look at what my colleagues have to help      Every  one of the  above  items  have been  obtained
              them do their job and help keep themselves, and the   after work by the Police Federation, either locally or
              public safe. Combat trousers that actually have enough   nationally, putting pressure on the powers that be to
              pockets to be of use. Functional and Blouson jackets   make these things available and issued to offcers. So
              that actually keep you warm and dry and allow you     some  things have  got  better,  but  we  know  there  is
              to be seen by your colleagues when they are looking   more to do. We will continue to press for Taser to be
              to come to your aid. A utility belt that can actually   issued to all Police Offcers who wish to carry it. Spit
              carry items of use. Rigid link handcuffs that give some   guards (if you haven’t been issued with them already)
              modicum of control once one bracelet is applied and   will be given to Merseyside Offcers shortly.
              actually restrains someone who is handcuffed. A baton
              that is actually of use when drawn. CS/Pava spray, Taser,   But remember it’s not just equipment the Federation
              and  Body  Worn Video. Body  armour that  actually    tries to improve. Currently under the banner headline
              provides a reasonable amount of protection. Personal   of  ‘Protect the Protectors’ we are lobbying Parliament
              issue radios that work in (nearly) every situation. Oh   to change the law to increase the penalties for those
              and don’t forget Police vehicles that now not only look   who  assault  Police  Offcers  and  other  emergency
              the part but are now ft for purpose and equipped     service workers, while another part of that campaign
              with technology that actually assists in Offcers doing   sees us trying to get protection for Police Drivers when
              their job!                                            involved in pursuits or responding to emergency calls.

              Insight Magazine of Merseyside Police Federation - Issue 1 of 2018    •        5

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