Page 5 - Pierce County Lawyer - May June 2024
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                      INSIDE THIS ISSUE...
 By Elizabeth Vincent
 [ PG. 6 ]
Prosecuting Attorney Jennifer Loynd
recommends a trip to New Zealand during
our “Big Dark” here in March. There she
enjoyed their long days of late summer while
exploring the North and South Islands. Family Law
Section Past President and Board Liaison Hannah Gurewitz provides some highlights of her 'trip of a lifetime' to France and Spain. Current President Catherine Case contributes an article detailing her scenic road trip to Arkansas with her children for a family reunion and eclipse event.
[ PG. 25 ]
Richard DeJean profiles the hardy Garry
Oak that watched over the local Bar Office
entrance on 11th Street until its untimely
dispatch last March at the hands of the City
of Tacoma workers. He compares it to the
eponymous oak from the beloved Irish
immigrant saga, "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn",
as it rose mightily from the barren concrete
to bear witness to the triumphs and tribulations of the locals.
[ PG. 26 ] Attorney David Shelvey presents a discussion of different management models. He examines an attorney’s goals as they impact productivity, and the importance of clearly defining them, both as a business strategy and as a means for effectively representing your client.
[ PG. 29 ] Pierce County District Court Judge Lizanne Padula expresses her gratitude for the many Pierce
County volunteers who made the YMCA Mock Trial State Championship held here in late March such a resounding success. Our Bar membership should, in turn, thank Judge Padula for helming this massive undertaking and highlighting the talents of so many promising young advocates!
[ PG. 30 ] Professor Weaver contributes a story from Tacoma’s legal archives: an invitation to a hanging in 1892 that did not come to pass. It includes an African-American attorney from Buffalo, New York representing the accused, a Belgian priest who raised funds for an appeal of the conviction, and a suspect co-defendant who returned to Italy after his charges were dismissed.
[ PG. 33, 36, 38 ] We also have articles from our regular contributors, including Patrick Brown’s updates on the New and Young Lawyers Section’s activities. Our Pierce County Law Librarian, Stephen Seely, writes about the free Court Listener website, which contains nearly 7 million court opinions from all 50 states! And Laurie Davenport with Tacomaprobono Community Lawyers details their Housing Justice Project’s partnership with the Tacoma Public Library system.
Enjoy our Spring offerings!
   Our Spring issue is blooming with
activity, starting with a summary of
our President Catherine Case’s busy
schedule: joining the New and Young
Lawyer’s Section at the University of
Washington in February to sell the
benefits of TPCBA membership. In
March she, along with President-Elect Liz Johnson and New and Young Lawyer Section President Patrick Brown, flew to Chicago to attend the Bar Leadership Institute Conference. Next, she met with other board members at the annual TPCBA Board Retreat, where they discussed their plans to improve
the TPCBA. She also highlighted a well-attended networking/ membership event near the Seattle University campus. Watch for other TPCBA networking opportunities with our local law schools, as well as other outreach events.
[ PG. 9 ] TPCBA’s Director Kit Kasner provides us with our semi-monthly reminders, including not-to-miss events like the New and Young Lawyers Masquerade Ball on Friday, June 14, 2024. We also have two TPCBA Golf Tournaments, and members should check out the flyers in this magazine. And the winners are... the attendees at the TPCBA Annual Convention in Leavenworth from September 13 through 15th, with an Academy Awards theme! Tuxes and glamorous gowns are not optional if you want to win the Best Costume award.
[ PG. 10 ] Professor John Weaver breaks down the Washington Supreme Court’s orders regarding the Washington Bar Licensure Task Force recommendations of three alternatives to the Bar Exam for licensure as a practicing lawyer. He reviews these options: Law Graduate Apprenticeship, Law School Experience Path and Law Clerk Apprenticeship. The Court has advised the WSBA to create processes for implementation of these methods of qualification.
[ PG. 13 ] Past Trustee Nicholas Andrews submits an
open letter to the Board of Trustees seeking the inclusion
of representatives from the WA Women Lawyers and Pierce County Minority Bar Association as voting members of the Board of Trustees. I note as a fellow Trustee during Nick’s last term that he informally proposed this change to the Board, which change he is now seeking to formalize.
[ PG. 14 ] The sky is clearing, and adventure awaits! Vicarious exploration abounds in our Travel Issue, with contributions from Past President Sarah Richardson, who chronicles her sojourn through South Africa in Fall of 2024 in search of
“life birds.” We also feature Bar Secretary-Treasurer Desiree Hosannah’s jam-packed trip to Egypt and Jordan in March, 2023, including camel rides around the Pyramids of Giza and a hot-air balloon excursion over the Valley of Kings. Deputy
                     May/Junel 2024 | PIERCE COUNTY LAWYER 5

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